The long title it has, the short this blog is. Well, I haven't wrote a review for a bad film for a long time. hehe Anyway, yeah.. I can't believe I spent money for this film. Although the one to blame is me, I just love the character from the comics. I even watched the first film before. But as other comic adaptations go, some of them just ended up this bad.
Story is simple, Johnny Blaze is in eastern europe to help himself get away from a curse then suddenly he was approached help by some monk to help him save a kid. That kid is due to be the next coming of the evil one.. Then the story moves until the child and his mom was saved. He also discovered that the spirit of Ghost Rider came from a angel who was tortured here at earth, a very long time ago.
Hell, after some 1 and a half hour later.. I was damn sad. =( The only good thing I saw in that film, it has better effects than the first one! I liked how Ghost Rider used different vehicles to release his power. It has also great details of Ghost Rider, the look is more dark even in very high sunlight. It also show his other powers than swinging his chains.
That's all for the price of an expensive ticket. Almost like legion. hehe Damn..
A lot of flaws, one is acting.. They have a better cast than the first one, like they have Christopher Lambert.. Wow, I haven't seen him a long time. But yes, acting not a good one, I feel sorry for Nicholas Cage and even that kid who was cursed. Even Idris Elba, and yes, Ciaran Hinds.. Damn.. They joined here for the money and big budget. Geez.. There acting is just they are always in a rush and especially the last parts, wow, the only person who made me watch it more is Ghost Rider came back.
Another one, yes, it has worse plot than the first one. I hope they just go to the Ghost Rider, if there is, a graphic novel of it. Or put Zack Snider, or Frank Miller to direct this but well.. These directors, who has a credit of doing Crank movie, that's it. I mean, Frank Miller's The Spirit movie, although it's not that good as well, but hell I enjoyed it because of the great cast except for the lead. This one, it's just story wise, crap.. And directing wise, they are the ones got walked out with a tons of cash.. No complexity, just straight forward crap.. Well, I'll give this one better rating than battleship. hehe But both of them, it's just worse of this year.
Yeah, I hope.. Like the Punisher, they just make it straight it out, they need to make these characters work. I mean, I know Marvel is more a light theme than dark horse or DC, Vertigo.. Marvel is less gore or graphic. But these charaters, like Ghost Rider, they should make it graphic and yes, violent or if they can't just make it a dark themed movie. Why? Because they simply fit in that style. Punisher got punished already twice, two films just don't work. Although I like Ray Stevenson or Dolph Lundgren for the role but it's not working out. Nicholas Cage is a good fit but well.. If you have a director like that, for two films already.. I think you need to get out of the role..
I know Spidey will be released and I saw some reviews that it's better than Spiderman 3 but that's it. hehe I hope Marvel if they did go dark themed or scary or gory.. Then go all the way. Don't care about the Ratings or well, sales.. If the film is good, many will watch. Look at Blade series, and Blade is not even a famous Marvel Character.. It earned, it worked!
I hope, they will do the same for these characters.
I hope they start with the Ghost Rider!
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