The Dark Knight well, one of

Well, I won't tell any about the film story wise, and even the ending.. Let all spoil this great film first and consume how did the story goes for this one. =) All I can say, from that bleak and very slow pacing at the first hours of the film comes to a very satisfying end of this story..
Although it The Dark Knight has minor flaws which were very forgivable and forgetable.. This one, has some flaws but really quite showing in it. Glaring perhaps. But well, I can forgive that because this is Chris Nolan's take on Batman and indeed, as he said before, he doesn't want to make more of it.. I can see that conviction in this film.. It's like I want to end this and no more please.. Anyway, yes.. That start was kinda, well.. Depressing. I mean I love how Bruce Wayne portrayed in the series, young, billionaire and quite arrogant.. Then yeah Batman very well portrayed as he is fast, strong and willed to save Gotham all might.. 8 years later.. He was like Howard Hughes with sanity.. Depressed, frail and almost broke because he is damn secluded. I hope Chris just give Bruce a better way to live after he done saving Gotham before. It's like go on in his normal life, womanizing, making money easy and expand his empire.. It will be fun then this Bane invasion happen. Unfortunately, right at the start, dude, I hope he needs help.. Alfred was not enough, and yes he even left him. I hope I know it's has really a dark tone of it but it's just this one, had fun of it at the start.
Another drawback, hmmmmm yes.. Not the Bane's costume which I know it was quite weird and his mask.. But the gore and action it's just.. Well, PG-13 does really make the action and violence tone down.. With this contraint, come on, Bane is a killing machine and no blood or even less violence of this? I just hope with this dark tone of the story and plot.. Just like other 2 Batman films, it has just more violence or gore perhaps. Although it worked for this film, but if Frank Miller or Zack Snyder directed this, it will be just action violent fun!
Great things, first the actors!!! Except from Matthew Modine, everyone fulfilled their roles in the right way.. From Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Gary Oldman, and yes suprise roles from Liam Neeson and even Cillain Murphy.. Scarecrow has a damn lucky long screen time in all the 3 bat films. Actually just think of Inception remove Ellen Page and Leonardo DiCarpio from the cast. Marion Cotillard, although she has really have problem in american script but well delivered in this one.. I like what she did until the end.. Even of course, Morgan Freeman, or Juno Temple in a very short time. Anne Hathaway, great role for her.. Sexy yet sophisticated.. I love that.. =) Even with that weird costume, I can say she is the best choice, but I hope Eva Green was chosen for this.Tom Hardy, well, it's just that bad audio for him.. Even it was already edited, I hope at least we can see his face all through out or fix that mask of his.. It's just that bad. However, as an actor, great! I'm not surprised about his built because of his past movies, Bronson and Warrior.. This dude should be given a good action movie.. I can't wait to see him in the new Mad Max series..
Christian Bale, even with that depressed Wayne, I can say.. Great acting for him, this is the best Bruce Wayne I saw in any Batman flick because of the struggles he endured, especially those prison scenes.. He just dont' want to give up.. Although his audio when in suit did not really improve, I still love how he portrayed Batman and love what he did at the end. Yes, him and Catwoman, has chemistry.. Great Chemistry..
Action scenes and gadgets, effects wise, great!!! I love the batcycle, damn especially how Catwoman used it... That was hot.. I love how it turns and yes, firing the cannons!!! Then the large scale effects at the end, very well exectued.. Seems to be rushed but well, with good camera work and directing, it still show great. The pace, and the fighting scenes were good. I love the scene where Batman and Bane fought in a tunnel and yes, the infamous knighfall cover shows there.. Hmmmm The Bat-copter!!! Damn, I thought his batmobile and cycle were enough, you ain't seen nothing yet! I hope they used that in the beginning, I mean since the Batman Begins. I love the first act, damn.. I hope Chris Nolan will do an action flick.
Speaking of Chris Nolan, I give him credit to all the work he put in the 3 films. Not only this film but 3 films.. It's not easy work to do each film with great directing and screenwriting. Except for that deep intellectual dialogue, I hope he can do something original again but an action flick. Please not that Inception type or The Prestige thing.. Just good action flick will do.. Original action flick.. I loved how he set up the plot of this film, I know his intention of having a depressed Bruce Wayne but the flow of the story keeps intriguing for some time until that prison scene started. That all makes sense. I love the suprises at the end and yes, I thought it has a dark ending but well.. We have a fun, and lovely thrilling ending.. Makes me wonder, indeed.. This was really the end of Batman? The 3 films of Batman, worth keeping.. Way better than the Matrix, slight below The Godfather and I forget that Twilight or Harry Potter series.. Hmmmm I give LOTR trilogy place higher than this even I haven't watched it.. Geez. =) But give credit to him.. Even with a lot of confusing state at first, definitely the end was worth it. Damn, I can't believe how he pulled off that football scene.. Greatly executed.. Meaning, I remove Batman Forever, Batman and Robin in my movie list.. I just can't forget the first Batman film and yes, Returns.. Especially with the great Penguin and Catwoman villains..
Ah yes, good job of really not including The Joker in this film.. I know it's because of respect even it's important to include him here but good job of putting a lot of work in the plot to avoid well.. Talking The Joker.
Musical Scoring, great job by Hans Zimmer, that chanting score worked for this film.. And all the musical score done for this film, perfectly fit to the tone of the film... Until the end of the film.. Great score and made the trilogy monumental of sorts.. A serious dark Batman trilogy.
All in all, it is worth reserving a week in advance. Worth for years to wait for this film.. I want to watch it just for the experience I love rooting for at the second half until the end of the film.. The film, well, it's below The Dark Knight.. Meaning it's The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises and Batman Begins. All of them are great in my film collection. =)
Best film of the year, I'll give that to Cabin in the Woods.. Hahaha Nah, it's still The Avengers because of the fun factor, light tone, more heroes to root for and yes.. More action packed scenes from start to finish.. That's understandable to have an hanging ending.. However, this film is the second best of the year.. Not bad even with that depressing start, as it grows to be a great ending and great pace of action from that second half to the finish.
Then enter Cabin in the Woods! =) After that, yes.. Others will follow..
Indeed, The Dark Knight Rises..
In the heart of Gotham City.. Always.
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