yes, I woke up at 4:30am and dressed up so fast and went to Dell office.. for what? for our community service day.. we went to La Mesa Dam.. what did I expect? I don't know.. at first.. we were just talking about what we will do and are we getting some freebies.. hehe things like that.. not high expectations.. just to volunteer for this save the forest program.. our goal in our regeneration program.. and that's it.. we left the office around what.. hmmm 6am.. and then we reached great fairview.. we got lost.. after 30 mins.. we found the village which leads to the Dam.. hehe I only saw that Dam in TV especially it's a project of ABSCBN foundation.. so it's like their advertisement for forest awareness.. so there.. after we reached the park. we gone down.. by the way, on the way to the park, we ate some crackers and of course.. free shirt again!!! haha it's the 3rd shirt I got from Dell.. love it.. hehe everytime there is an event.. I know, there will be some freebies in store for the participants.. so I knew it..
let's go back to the park whatever scenario.. so we gone down from the bus and proceed right away to the pavillion.. the place was great.. really, honestly.. I will tell you why later.. so there.. and the program started with the introduction of the park and some kind words from our team.. after that brief introduction.. hmmm we watched some video about the park, like history.. and it's purpose in our lives.. one interesting fact that I can share from the park is, the ecopark is the only forest situated in the Urban metro manila.. which also includes the largest water supply in the city as well, unfortunately, it is only one.. one Dam.. but having a forest in the middle of the chaotic Manila.. is really great.. so we really need to take care of this only forest.. so the first activity we did was putting the soil through the plastic.. it was a fun activity because well, we are like gardeners.. hehe then the second one is putting the small plant to the soil with plastic that we made.. I think, I did not get some pictures while doing those activities.. hehe and then our Managers, done the tree planting ceremony for Dell.. so many activities with such small time.. by the way.. we did not have so much volunteers.. so I think only 60-70 people joined the said program for today.. after those nursery and planting ceremonies.. we were given a talk about vermicomposting.. well, organic farming as well.. if you ask what it is, it's farming without the use of a pesticide, machines, we only use the nature and biodegradable materials to farm.. vermi is well worm for short.. we need to use a lot of worms for organic farming.. it was a long talk and everybody was screaming their hearts out when they demonstrate the procedure, with live worms!!! hehe it is a long procedure.. I was not able to get all of it, but I definitely interested with that because with organic farming, rest assured, all your crops, or even spices, are 100% organic.. meaning they are more nutritious than those we buy in the market or supermarket.. those crops are made from the conventional farming method.. even the organic method is kinda tedious, long.. but in the end, you are not only making healthy and delicious crops but also you save the environment at the same time..
so if I have some spare land in the future for farming.. I will use that method.. hehe I will learn that method.. anyway, after that very long yet interesting talk... we gone to the important part of our activity.. strolling around the park.. I love the park.. well, it's an eco park.. so we have a guide.. quite smart I say about her, even she did not tell her name.. hehe but she explained every part of the park.. we gone looking at each tree.. then we looked some places, including the paintball place.. the swimming pool.. the LaMesa Dam itself.. some places there as well.. it is a really a great place.. to come back.. I will refer it to my friends.. why? you can do a lot of things there, even you can't stay there overnight.. but, which park you can do like swimming, playing paintball, nature trekking.. almost everything.. so it's worth to comeback and help the forest I guess.. hehe news just got in, hmm Nina's mom, whose been in the hospital last week, just passed away.. I need to confirm it but it's sad.. it's very hard.. so I hope Nina will able to overcome this and pray to God that her Mom will be in a better place.. in heaven.. rest in peace for her.. so well, I will pray for her.. and if I can squeeze my schedule tomorrow, I will visit to her with Joanne.. by the way, what we ate a very good lunch.. I ate twice because of the excess food.. hehe and drank so much softdrinks.. I love the event.. free food, free.. whatever.. hehe ok, I will add some pics.. and I can't explain the great scenary in that park.. so feast your eyes.. that's all for today.. take care, God bless to all.. good day and good luck!!
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