Checked the time at my blue ruin..
I felt that all my stress gone away..
Kuya Allan just got home, getting some things from his room and well..
I got the rest that I want to do, just a simple rest, no tasks to finish or scores to maintain, or reach.. Just forgetting about it.
Mom went to the room and bringing some pillows for Kuya and fixing some beddings.
I closed my tired eyes to an ease and hope I could rest more then do the blogs later.
It was 10pm and tried to watch TV but forgot about it. Alarmed my blue ruin to a later time to do some stuff..
Silence coming in my mind and body.. Feeling rejuvenated and wants to just stay at that way.. Find peace and harmony.
I forgot the alarm and turned off the phones.. Still thinking the tasks then do it in a later time, at least, finish something then sleep again..
Got carried away with the resting and soothing feel of stress free feeling, I had a dream that well, I hope it did come true..
Just thinking ahead, hoping all of these troubles or problems will just end. Indeed..
2 am, I forgot to change clothes, so I changed to a simpler one.. Try to think I can wake up way before I need to go at work.
I slept again and forgot about it.. Just want to rest and do it later..
I woke at 4:30am, do this and that, I forgot to post here and went to the training..
Even I missed a lot..
Or was not able to finish some important tasks asap..
Important is, I got one of the best sleep or rest I have for at least for months.. That one..
It started at 6:00-6:30 pm. =)
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