I think, all the X-Men films should be rebooted, and it should be directed by Matthew Vaughn. =)
When I first saw the trailer, way back months ago.. Even it was quite lame and not that striking.. I was sold to it, because of the actors involved. I am not sure why they have more brit actors because what I know, X-Men members are amercian.. I just thought yes, Ian and Patrick are brits so they get young brits, namely Michael Fassbender and James Mcavoy, without his scottish accent. hehe
Then another trailers came out and the last one, I know that I should watch it. =)
Actually, I brought along Rheg to watch it but wants to watch Pirates.. He doesn't have a clue for this movie. hehe At least he knows X-Men.
Turn back time circa WWII, a boy was separated from his parents. Then a boy woke up at the middle of night, getting some cookies from his mom but discovers, he was tricked by a shapeshifting girl. The boy who got separated from his parents, got tested by a doctor who wants to move a coin without touching it. Well, the boy can't do it and the doctor thought if the boy got angry, he can do that ability. The doctor brought in the boy's mom and unfortunately was shot. The boy got outraged and destroying every metal in the room, except for the doctor. The boy left shocked for what happened.
Then, yes, fast forward to circa 1960's.. There is a threat, tension of US and Russia, which might go to a nuclear war due to some disaggreements. Then Erik, the boy who got separated from his parents searching for the Doctor who made him, well, strong with his innate abilites. To control metal at the palm of his hands.
The year as well, the boy who woke up and met the shapeshifting girl, well grown up and becoming a professor. An intelligent and good guy and well, quite a playboy.. Even with a stunning friend of his, well, just hang out and keep supporting his friend, by the way his name is Charles and stunning chick's name, Raven.
Then, the doctor who showed at the first scene is dealing with an US general to direct some missles in turkey to allow tension between 2 superpowers. The general says no and all of the sudden, he was controlled by another hot chick who turns herself to a diamond and another dude who controls air, like a whirlwind. Then another dude, who has teleport abilities. The doctor, well, not showing yet what he has for, threat the life of the General. At the course of the scene, there is a CIA agent looking after them and called her superior. Ah yes, she is.. Then the superior very angry advising the agent that the General is already at the headquarters. For a meeting with them already. Of course she was shocked for what happened and what she saw about those abilities.
She needed help, and she found Xavier, who became a professor because of his thesis of mutation.
The agent's name I forgot to say is Moira.. Then she bought them to CIA and the director's where suprised about the events. They can't believe mutants do exist and thought of having a special team to check what's happening..
On the other side, the US general is seeking for getting out of the deal and threat to kill Sebastian and others. The doctor's name is Sebastian Shaw and great thing, he has a ability to absorb energy and turning into something else. He simply killed the US general. Going to his plan of getting all the missles to start a war.
Well, Charles, Moira and Raven with the help of a man in black, thought of putting up a team to fight these other bad mutants, and they need some help. It starts with Dr. Hank who has weird feet but can run and walk through ceilings.. One night as Erik found a clue where to find Sebastian, he tried to capture Sebastian but failed to well, Emma, the chick who turns to a diamond, she has a power to read minds. Then Sebastian and others escaped, however, Erik doesn't want to give up, he wants to get even with Sebastian because of what he did to his mom.
He was stopped by Xavier underwater because Erik might killed himself due to drowning and Erik was rescued.
At first Erik doesn't want to team up with Charles because he was motivated to kill Shaw but Charles was able to convince Erik to join the team because of ability to read minds, everything and most of all, can control the person for a second. Erik also thought of getting other mutants to help the cause, and because Dr. Hank has a machine to read and locate all the other mutants, the machine called Cerebro. They were able to track other mutants and form a group for the CIA. Others were followed like a dude who has high pitch and destroy everything.. A dude from prison who has energy to magnify and destroy it's path. A chick who can fly.. Because of her mosquito wings.. And a dude who has amphibious abilities.
They tried to recruit a famous dude but he said F*ck off. hehe
So, they formed a team and Xavier tried to see how they can work as a team, but first things first. They need to stop Russia doing any crazy moves.. Like launching nukes. So, they were able to go at Russia and stop the general and get also Emma to speak what is Shaw's plans.. While doing that and the other mutants are playing around, Shaw knew that CIA is putting up a team, so he tried to pursuade all those members to join his group. As he arrived to that office, the group tried to stop him but they were no match. Shaw even destroyed the place, and killed the amphibious dude. The lady who can fly, decided to join Shaw because of his promise that mutants should rule and not to be discriminated. Erik was able to detain Emma and they got the information but they need to change places..
Due to what happened in the CIA, Charles brought his team to his usual place to train and see how to defeat Shaw.
Unfortunately, time is not in their side as US and Russia are now in the verge of war..
Shaw already planned to what to do, all he needs to do is start the war with bringing down just one Russian ship. He was able to encourage the Russian general to start the assault once US is preparing for the attack.
Xavier and Erik prepared the team, from Havok, Banshee, then Mystique and well, Dr. Hank became the Beast as he tried to cure the irregular feet, the cure made reverse effects.
Erik was able to learn how to use his power with calm and positive thoughts and it showed magnicent results. Thanks Xavier for it. But also we wants to make clear, he still want to get rid of Shaw.
Then as they arrived at the scene, Erik was able to lift the Sub of Shaw to avoid the war, Xavier was able to stop the ship from getting obliterated due
to the conflict. The others, fighting each other, like the Beast and Havok against Riptide and Azarel. Then Banshee and Angel, which like the mosquito wings.
Erik was able to confront Shaw and he has having a hard time due to Shaw's ability.. But he was helped by Xavier when he was able to get the helmet which Shaw was wearing.. Then Xavier discovered that Erik is not against Shaw about Mutants should dominate and show mankind how they are but still he killed Shaw because of his mom.
Xavier tried to stop but cannot do due to the helmet worn by Erik..
Then, as the fight is over, they thought is over, both countries were alarmed what these mutants can do, so they decided to kill them off.. As Erik warned about this to Xavier, Xavier was surprised all ships will fire at will to them.. Well, Erik due to his power, was able to stop all the missles and want to direct them back to the ships which Xavier opposed.. As the conflict between those two mounted, Xavier was accidentally shot at the back by Moira.. Moira is trying to shot Erik but cannot, one of the bullets went at the back of Xavier making him parlyzed downwards..
Missles were not fired and Erik tried to convince all mutants to stand at his objective, and well, Mystique which wants to join Xavier but she was persuaded by Xavier to join Erik because Charles knows Mystique have feeling for Erik, ask to protect him...
Well, war was avoided, Charles and the other mutants stayed at his school. Moira promised not to tell where they are, which she did at the CIA debriefing.
While Erik, freed Emma from prison and asked to join his team, Emma told his name, but Erik replied, he is Magneto..
then 60's visuals drop.. Yehey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I can say, even I did not watch Wolverine or the last stand, simply say.. This is the best X-Men movie I watched. Damn.. Come to think of it, like Matthew says, it was rushed due to the pressure of the studio.. Geez.. Then he should be the director of the first X-Men in the first place. hehe
Fresh off from the success of Kick-Ass, Matthew was able to deliver a great movie.. One of the best this year!
From the 60's look and feel, then the setup.. The sequences especially the action scenes, except for the final one.. The scenes with emotions.. Actors as well, you have a brillant action comic book movie! Even with some changes of the plot. But oh well, I don't care. hehe
It's like tone down Watchmen, because of the topic of course.
Of course, it's not perfect.. You can sense that it was rushed, because of the pace of the movie itself. Like after those child sequences, they became well adults right away, not showing some scenes of developing or how they blend to the society. The mutants, well, even without Logan/Wolverine, he did show up but good line. hehe I mean, since they quite changed the plot, I thought they can get iceman and cyclops on board because they are one of the first members. Yet they get banshee. Havok is really well, the right one but I thought he is in x-factor. hehe
Angel is I don't know why it shows those mosquito wings. hehe Great part for Beast however, it was short. Another thing, Kevin Bacon was good especially speaking in German.. But that Shaw character, I don't know, with that power, I can't believe, he killed that easy. Matthew I thought should go to another villain at that point.
Other than that, is pure fun and brilliant movie.. I did not expect that it will be this good.
Actors, very good job of doing there roles. First, of course the minor roles, like the dead mutant or even the CIA bosses, especially in the meeting scene which they were shocked that there are mutants.
Then yes, Kevin did a good job it's just bad villain role for him. They can just think of other villain. The other mutants, great, like Azarael and Rip tide, even they did not speak that much, great effects.. Funny but crazy mutants Havok and Banshee, then.. The beast is great, I mean great role even in a short time, I mean his short dialogues.. hehe
Then of course, that leaves Raven, specially named Jennifer Lawrence. Damn, she should get roles which shows how hot or beautiful she is. Well she is indeed beautiful in the movie, when she transforms, but she is indeed beautiful in Mystique form, great makeup and effects as well..
Wow, I kept looking or just staring Jennifer when her scene is showing up.. Lovely lady she is. And her 60's get up, great! I forgot January Jones which is good and the CIA agent, even quite not that stunning but effective as well.
Of course, save the best for the last. James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender, it is a great combination, the reason why this X-Men Movie made sense.. Many scenes that really showed emotion.. For example, their talk in Xavier's room, or about their scenes not together. Mike has scenes like in a bond movie. Then James, well, at first, you thought you're watching a rom-com movie. hehe
But when they are together, they have a perfect combination.. One is a strong willed, then the other always going in a peaceful way. But they do have same idea, mutants should be respected..
The scene which really strikes me and Raims will agree or Rheg, is the scene involes Erik trying to move the satellite dish. It was intense yet great. =)
Over all, even me, I want to watch it again.. But of course I'm now quite busy so that's fine. I'll definitely wait this in my collection!!
Yes, the June 3rd was worth spent, with my best friend and damn.. This is one of the best comic book adaption. Despite it was rushed and applied some graphic novel treatment to this one of the famous superhero teams. =)
It's like Batman Begins, it should have a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Are you ready?" says Charles,
"Let's find out!" says Erik.. Then they lift the sub. hehe
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