Well, most of the superheroes we've known have either innate abilities, or curse.. Or even an accident to get special powers or skills, abilities as well. Others trained to do those special things, but some, well, very lucky. They were given those abilities or powers.
For this hero, he is one of them, and he has one thing he posses, the courage to fight for his country in times of war.
For this one, yes, a review a lot shorter. =)
Actually I already finished the gist of the movie but suddenly I realized, well, it's time to make it shorter, besides.. I have many posts to do.
After I saw the trailer, I was not buying it at first because it's Chris Evans and I was not really interested seeing him as another marvel character. Remember, he is already Human Torch.
Leading lady is not known, but it has Stanley Tucci and Tommy Lee Jones, and yes, Howard Stark, Tony Stark's dad!
But after watching Thor this year, I give it a shot and the following trailers came for this movie are great, so let's see. I listened to the spill.com review and they are happy. Even without the review, let's see!!!!!!!
Of course, there was Rheg and we went to trinoma, Harry Potter still there and jam packed. Transformers 3 still there but it has well, less audience. Those 2 movies, I did not watch it because of the time I had this past weeks, hectic due to collections. And besides, I was not happy for Transformers 2, meaning I'll just wait for junkie to load it up. For Harry Potter, even they say it's good, I'll just wait for junkie to load all of those 8 movies. =)
The line for Captain America, was long. I was surprised, because he has many fans, maybe they like how it will go.
After the movie, wow, I really enjoyed it.. For the bad parts, well, some of them. Some of the scenes, well the transition of it not good. Especially it has less scenes that when he has a team already, or how about Steve doesn't have so much family background. He just said, his father was a war veteran then mom a housewife..
Another thing, which are quite critical for the story. Since I read some of the parts of it online, Bucky is important in Captain America and of course, which I really know important is Red Skull.
Both were dead. Damn.. I love Red Skull because he is somewhat alternate ego of Captain America, as it shown in that old movie. And played great by Hugo Weaving, even he has less scenes but effective and great.
Now let's go to the goodies...
First is the setting of the film, great setting for the film, taken from the original story, great details as well..That WWII 40's feel, and surprisingly, it was directed by the dude who made Rocketeer, which has great details, except for the story perhaps.
I love the part when Cap became a mascot for recruiting to the US army.. I definitely loved it and laugh out of it. The training excercises, I was making fun of it, because Steve was really a loser but in the last excercise, the flag pole, wow.. That's was clever and of course, how brave he is to take the grenade, but it was fake though.
Second, the effects, number one is... Well, when I knew that Chris Evans is that thin dude, that's it!!!! He won. Simply amazing, it's not even exposed that well, that is someone else. The transformation was great as well, the costumes, the shield swinging.. The laser effects, wow.. The effects of the tezzeret and well, Red Skull!
Even the last sequence was great, the big airplane, and the clash of Cap and Skull, that I've waited for. It was short though.
Lastly, well, directing is good, redeemed himself in this movie.. But I give credit to the actors.. Hayley Atwell is the hot brit chick. She is indeed british.. Stanley Tucci, damn I hope he stayed for long.. Bucky and the rest of the team, played their roles good.. Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark, that is a great one, I'm looking forward to that dude. That's why Tony is like that.
Two actors stood great in this movie. Nah, not Samuel Jackson..
But Tommy Lee Jones, played effortlessly being the commander of the special forces. Every scene he is in, very outstanding presence.. Even it's a serious or a fun one, great performance. I think, he did that spontaneously. Southern strict commander.
Of course, Chris Evans, besides that bulk he has already. The acting is great, especially when he was thin, then of course for the final scenes, great one. Better than green lantern. Well, Ryan Reynolds is good, but Chris was better. Thor? Chris equals Chris Evans. =)
Great for Marvel Studios for the past movies they made, for the heroes they have.. They made it into a general audience graphic novel type. Meaning believable stories.. Comics and Novel are different than screenplay for movies, so they did a fantastic job getting writers who can make good screenplays for the heroes. A more realistic one, not too much sci fi, or too much sci fi effect on it.
I forgot, the cinematography to this one is great.. Some scenes are real, so I really looking forward for the home release!
Great thing for this marvel movies that it has enough build up to become Avengers!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!! Looking forward to it, like what I did in Watchmen.
I just hope they remove Black Widow.
Indeed, Steve got lucky getting his power, it just he went unlucky, not meeting Agent Carter in the end, went cold for 70 years. But still strong though, same Captain America!
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