May the two of you rest in peace together in heaven. I don't know what will Ian says when he meets Tony up there. You c**t!!! hehe
Well, even they looked rubbish together at the two films I watched. They made history for the music they created, fantastic and brilliant. It gives a punch to your soul if you're really listening to it.
Bloody great!!
Control was the first one I watched. I decided to watch this first because one, I have the book, touching from a distance by Deborah Curtis, great book actually. Second, I know, it's like what's first, good news or bad news. I always choose bad news. It's dark and gloomy movie, so I started this first.
For those who read the book, like me, it's a different plot. Unlike the book, this movie really started when Ian is only like 14 yrs old at Macclesfield ( I hope I got it right ), UK. Well, typical rebel kid, as described in the book, chilling out with his friend and listens to Bowie, rock music and gigs and writing poems as well. Cool dude. hehe Until, he marries Debbie at the age, of 18. Very young couple indeed. They move at Manchester because of the job, then family life and this is where his band was made. Then Joy Division was made, recorded some demos until they were discovered by Rob Gretton (Manager) and then Tony Wilson (Producer of Factory Records) at some gig. As Joy Division gets popular, of course, Ian discovers he has epilepsy which shown at his old age. Quite different.
That affects his work and family as well, especially, when he and Debbie have a child, cute daughter. As time goes on, gave up his job, then struggling to be a father, and a lead singer as well. Then comes Annik, the mistress gave more Ian stress and unfortunately love as well.
Ian became confused and depressed because of all these events until the band will be touring US. He felt that all the people hate him and regrets joining the band because of the consequences happened to him. Especially to Debbie, which decided to divorce the marriage. Added that problem to Ian's struggles, equals to suicide, a day before the US tour.
The only difference I can see between me and Ian Curtis, I am still here even in a wounded soul and not epileptic. I know we are in different situations, but the feeling on those situations, we felt the same.
Confused, depressed and wounded.
After the film well, I was surprised that it has less dialogue. I don't believe that Ian Curtis was that silent all the time. hehe But it is a good film.
Of course, it has some flaws, like little dialogue for Ian. Hmmmm Well, writer's block I guess that some parts of Ian's life or even Debbie's life are not there. Like the scenes that Ian's job affected because of his sickness and band, it only shows like 3 scenes. It should be more, and another one is how the drugs given to him, affected his life, everything. It only shows, like 3 or 4 scenes. Actually, it does shows, but the acting or the scenes is about the effects of being epileptic not the meds he is taking. In the book, it's more morbid. hehe Ah, yes, Debbie has a fling!!! Come on, they cut that out, I know it's short but oh well, writer's block for you. hehe
And yes, Barney is not like that, like in 24 hour party people. hehe I'll explain that later, it's a little detail, but the difference, whoa. hehe
I agree what his daughter Natalie, commented about the film, it's just the depth of the dark life of Ian is not in full detail. But the film is almost 2 hours long and still, I didn't get the whole experience of Ian's life. Maybe because of the script and editing. However, it doesn't mean this film is not good.
At the start I already told it was bloody great. Hehe Well, here's why lad.. Because of these good points, it covered the flaws, for me per se.
Well, Sam Riley almost looked Ian, especially his fits, damn good acting, and how he performs on stage. Especially, the work scene which how he works and the girl who lost her job because of a fit. He was scared but not. Many scenes he's really good into, even the scene where he got a fit on stage and just get up and talk to Debbie.
The rest of the band as well, except for Barney. Hehe Tony Wilson displayed here a small role, but this movie is for Ian Curtis. hehe Rob Gretton, for both movies, brilliant. hehe The actors were brilliant portraying him. For both films.
Debbie? Damn love it. Especially the scene where she discovered Ian's mistress, I love that scene, it's shocking and sad. Samantha Morton great actress there, even little dialogue, she kinda brought the intensity for the film. Well, that's not writer's block. I mean, she had a fling because what she discovered, especially when your husband tells you go out with someone else. That's not good marriage. hehe
But from the start until the end, Debbie's character is the most steady one.
The setup, I don't know how they do it, but the movie is perfect for that 80's scene. Like the band performances, damn, they are good, I thought I am watching a live performance. Especially when you know that they don't do that on tape.
The get up of the characters and of course, the black and white is perfect for Ian's life. Simply amazing, come on, Ian's life was not colorful as it may seems. hehe
Annik's character, not perfect but good as well. It's just she doesn't look like belgian. hehe Ah speaking of get up, I like Ian's get up at the final scenes, like the jacket and an army bag, how enigmatic he looks like. With those sad eyes and cigar.
Even with little dialogue, the words they utter are straightforward. At least, it has meaning. Like how Ian got married, until the final talk with Debbie, and the letters, songs Ian created, metaphoric yet powerful.
Hookie is better her than 24 because of long exposure. hehe
As well for Stephen and Gillian. hehe
With all those factors, it boiled down to one thing I like this film, is the mood of like making you join Ian's journey to darkness and make you feel that hey, here's the reason why I just gave up.
At first, if he's praying, maybe he'll reach until now, New Order will not be New Order. It will be still Joy Division.
However, after I read the book, and watching this film, I realized, he's just run out of options. I was surprised that he only planned to do one album, because he loves his family. But it got complicated, then his sickness which got him into more trouble.
And everybody close to you, is leaving you especially the one you really love. What else you can do? I know, even he loves Annik, I still believe, he loves Debbie more, because if the divorce or the final talk didn't happen, I'll be seeing updated pictures of my Idol. Definitely.
Unfortunately, I'll just check the old pictures of him. In black and white.
"When you look at your life, in a strange new room, maybe drowning soon, is this the start of it all? "
I am feeling that.. out of control