This wide yet small floor of ours, well looks vibrant because of the fixtures here. Very quiet operations floor compare to other centers. I'm looking at my other sides, nothing really interest me except well, that big window at the other side. I've never had a chance to stay at that side. However, I can see how busy EDSA is and I'm lucky staying here. Although, geez, just making the ends meet, work seems a bit light at some parts in a day.
When I look straight, there is an ongoing ops meeting with TL's and erghhh, that OM and that SOM passed by. Slave drivers.. Some day, they'll meet their dooms. Geez, I can't imagine how those TL's stay with these bosses. Anyway, I'm looking some emails and I can sense, I'll pass this month. Not only that, bond is damn over.. Hmmmm what to do next? Oh, others, just making veteran moves, delaying and using ACW wisely.
For now, I don't know yet what will interests me after staying here. Although in my mind, I have plans running and all I need to do is choose. My eyes are kinda bored looking at those monitor and my hands are not following what I type in to these keys.
Those eyes what to see goals achieved right in front of it. I'm not pretty sure how the beholder can achieve those goals. I look to my left and right hands, grasping for answers!
I'll know those answers soon.
For the mean time, enough of the hold time and get back to this pesky customer.