Tuesday, May 31, 2016
broken lines (collection 65)
He who advances
Without seeking
Who retreats
Without escaping
He whose one aim is
To protect his people
And serve his lord,
This man is
A Jewel of the Realm.
Without seeking
Who retreats
Without escaping
He whose one aim is
To protect his people
And serve his lord,
This man is
A Jewel of the Realm.
He regards his tropps
As his children,
And they will go with him
Into the deepest ravine.
He regards them
As his loved ones,
And they will stand by him
Unto death.
As his children,
And they will go with him
Into the deepest ravine.
He regards them
As his loved ones,
And they will stand by him
Unto death.
If he is generous,
But cannot command,
If he is affectionate
But cannot give orders,
If he is chaotic
And cannok keep order,
Then his men
Will be like
Spoiled children,
And useless.
But cannot command,
If he is affectionate
But cannot give orders,
If he is chaotic
And cannok keep order,
Then his men
Will be like
Spoiled children,
And useless.
If we know that our own troops
Are capable of attacking
But fail to see
That the enemy
Is not vulnerable,
We have only
Half of victory.
Are capable of attacking
But fail to see
That the enemy
Is not vulnerable,
We have only
Half of victory.
If we know that the enemy
Is vulnerable
But fail to see
That our own troops
Are incapable of attacking,
We have only
Half of victory.
Is vulnerable
But fail to see
That our own troops
Are incapable of attacking,
We have only
Half of victory.
If we know that the enemy
Is vulnerable
And know that our own troops
Are capable of attacking,
But fail to see
That the terrain
Is unfit for attack,
We still have only
Half of victory.
Is vulnerable
And know that our own troops
Are capable of attacking,
But fail to see
That the terrain
Is unfit for attack,
We still have only
Half of victory.
The Wise Warrior,
When he moves,
Is never confused;
When he acts,
Is never at a loss.
When he moves,
Is never confused;
When he acts,
Is never at a loss.
So it is said:
"Know the enemy,
Know yourself,
And victory
Is never in doubt,
Not in a hundred battles."
"Know the enemy,
Know yourself,
And victory
Is never in doubt,
Not in a hundred battles."
Know Heaven,
Know Earth,
And your victory
is complete.
Know Earth,
And your victory
is complete.
excerpt from Chapter 10
Forms of Terrain, Art of War - Sun Tzu
Forms of Terrain, Art of War - Sun Tzu
Great Eight!
1260 posts!
18 topics/categories?!
8 long years..
1 man.
Anak ng tinapa! hahaha Habang edit ko bawat isa eh nagulat ako.. Nagulat ako in the sense na may nasulat ako na nakalimutan ko na. Natawa ako in fact. May mga nasulat ako na dapat hindi, pero nandiyan na. hehe Nagulat din ako sa dami! Naisip ko nga dapat iba't ibang blog sites pala nagawa ko. Mahina 4-5 blog sites depending sa topics ha.. Geez. Sumakit kamay ko sa kakaedit at copy paste at remove formatting ha!!!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Unplanned 27
Yes, last month was 75 then bakit now, balik 27? hehehe Well, just giving you a glimpse on what I'm doing now.. I'm kinda of revamping and transferring my blog from blogspot to wordpress. Unfortunately, I need to check each of the... I'll give the whole number later. hehe
Amachan! Pinoy Version
Tama ang hula ko na matatapos itong Asadora na to kahapon. Well, nireplay pa nila yun last episode kaninang umaga. hehe Ok, I will not really review the whole thing again kasi nagawa ko na. Check na lang this link ok? https://reyes2alfred.wordpress.com/2015/05/26/jdorama-amachan/
Fifth at the Feast!
Kakatuwa naman that for the past months eh may mga flashbacks ako nakikita.. Like yun dating CG head ko kinasal na.. Yun mga ka CG dati ko masaya. Tapos eto lang nakita ko yun bulletin na nakafeature yun CG namin. Tapos yun LST na nakakatuwa na natapos lang last week. All of these moments were fun and yet solemn. Especially I'm in this great community for 5 years! Oh God..
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Ring! Ring!
(QC last part)
Ahhhhh Eastwood at Cubao eh mga lugar na napakasaya magtrabaho. Ibig ko sabihin, kung walang trapik, nandito lahat ng kailangan mo at luho. hehe Mabuting example yun Eastwood, kasi may balanse eh, may pang maarte o class tapos may sulit na part. Dati kasi pag narinig mo Eastwood, sosyal! hahaha
Ahhhhh Eastwood at Cubao eh mga lugar na napakasaya magtrabaho. Ibig ko sabihin, kung walang trapik, nandito lahat ng kailangan mo at luho. hehe Mabuting example yun Eastwood, kasi may balanse eh, may pang maarte o class tapos may sulit na part. Dati kasi pag narinig mo Eastwood, sosyal! hahaha
Iron Piston Xiaomi In-Ear
Siyempre, kahit sabi ng ENT eh medyo iwas na sa in-ear headset, di mo rin maiiwasan na mawala ang music sa buhay sa matagal na panahon.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Captain America: Civil War
DOTA Heroes!
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Watashi wa nihongo o benkyō shite imasu
Thank God for that 50% sale of living language books. They came in handy especially now..
I'm studying by myself. It's been a while that I'm studying again by myself. Although I did study basic SAP, I don't consider that self study because we did have a trainer.
But reading a chapter a day and then memorize or speak loud what I read, that's like a decade I've done that. Way back hmmm college perhaps? I'm surprised that I'm going to finish one of the 3 books that this bundle has. Of course, I can't gauge yet how my nihongo sounds. While studying, I've discovered a lot in nihongo that spark my interest.
First, surprisingly difficult yet fun! I mean, 3 types of writing won't give interest to the learner but come to think of it, their writing style looks great. Especially katakana which looks perfect but sad to say, they are used sparingly.. They are only used for foreign words. hehe I know hiragana now, but I'm almost done with katakana. No prepositions, pronouns or even passive voice or past tense. You can correct me on that as I haven't went there yet. But I can say, that no preposition part kinda made my learning a bit easy. I just hate prepositions. hehe A lot of things as well but I'll just put it here later.
Second, damn everything how you speak will change. One great example, the r and l sound. How they speak R/L letters it's like they are into one sound. But when you write it, it's R. Damn. hahahaha Then how to construct sentence, way too different. S-V agreement I think don't apply here. What I love in this language, no stress in the sound. Normal conversation in japanese it's like reading a paragraph with no stress intonation. There is no even or required high tone when asking question. You read or speak syllables according to it's character, not the word itself. If I got it right. So, yeah.. Very weird but kinda love it.
Third, I'm kinda wondered this even before I start studying, that some words sounds better than the english word. Like one example I just read last night. The word economics in japanese is keezaigaku. I kinda like that word. It's sounds, hmmm it's hard to put into words, sounds tough but fun to say. I don't know that feeling I can describe it, but anyway, some words don't forget, english words way better than japanese. One great example, to study, when you translate, benkyooshimasu! What the hell, that's a lot! hahaha Then there are phrases that it's like you are tongue twisting. Weird but it has. I'll write some of them later.
As I'm studying this language, I wonder now why Japanese are polite, smart and cool. Polite because even they say bad or not good, the normal way is no rising tone unless really needed. You say it normal, no like change of tone or pace. Smart people because come on, 3 writing systems, then Kanji is like, what a dictionary itself then the language itself, totally and drastically different from english.. That's hard to learn especially if you are a kid. Geez.. Cool, because of some words are said better than english, weird right?
That's it for now. I'll finish the first book in a few days then a week of rest then proceed in the second book. But of course, I need like a partner or a japanese friend to check how I do. I thought of how to have one, but let's say, nothing happening yet. Nobody is looking at my profile I guess. hahaha But if I have funds in the future, why not going to a school. For now, that's my budget, doing self help.
Watashi wa benkyō ganbattemasu!
Dewa, mata ne.
Not Showing: Where to Invade Next?

It's been a while that I haven't watched a Michael Moore documentary. I kind of miss this dude. Great thing, he has a new documentary and all I can say was...
It's the lightest documentary he made. His topic for this one was simple. What ideas he can steal from European countries and apply it to the America... It's pretty simple isn't it?
Nope. Anyway, the only thing that bothered me in this documentary was it's fun all throughout. I knew he took a light or fun approach, and I think it's the first time he did it, but I felt something lack after watching 2 hours in a Michael Moore documentary. I mean, most of his films were interesting, shocking, a bit of fun, original and lastly, a sense of urgency. A sense of angst that we should make a move against like greed in Capitalism: A love story. How about we should fight the correct war on Fahrenheit 9/11 as its inner motive.
In this film, although I get his point but that sensibility, it's simply not there. Like for example, Germany did not hide the fact that Nazi's really spread chaos on WWII and they accepted it but made amends. Look at them now. Then point this idea to USA, they won't accept or admit the slavery, discrimination or even slaughter of the first natives. I was surprised that no museum built for these events in their long history. They do have monuments or museums to commemorate 9/11 or heroes of ward, but not their first history. Those points, I mean, US should have done that. No need for this documentary to show it.
Anyway, enough of that one flaw. Two great things I love this documentary! First is Michael Moore, on how he directed this film, I can say despite his kinda frail posture but he had a great time. If I'm in his position, I'll stay or live in the places he went. No need to come back to USA and retire in the Eurozone. hehe You can say he had fun not only going into this places, but his reaction on each great idea that can be applied back in USA. None of those ideas will ever apply in the USA unless there is political will. He enjoyed like the scene he went to Finland about their near perfect education system.
I hope all schools are like that, it just make damn sense. Then Michael went to Norway about the prison system which I called a great rehabilitation center. Wow! I don't want to leave prison if that is the scene and environment you'll leave right? hehe Michael also did a great job in editing, because he did not make it hard for the people to follow in documentary. Its a fun, light and curious documentary indeed.
Lastly, the ideas he got from those visits. It gave me an clear overview why these european countries strive in the governance index. I mean I searched in google about that ranking in governance then long and behold.. Almost all of the countries in the top 10 are in this film. I don't know in Slovenia, but I want to go there due to the free great college education. I don't know if you are a Philippine citizen, you can apply for free college. hehe But gosh, these countries are not only highest in governance but also in happiness and well being index. Decriminalize drugs, proper sex education to youth, muslim women in parliament, a big bank headed by Women.. Labor union has 50% representation in the board of directors.. The list goes on. Wow, some of the countries there not included in EU and still they strived to be the best.
It means, there are societies that living very happy. Not boasting firepower or a lot of reserves or profits. They just want to live simple, happy and respected. This film gave glimpse that countries who can't do changes in their respective systems such as politics, education, or even financial has hope. I know it's not easy but after watching this film, damn it's possible.
It's the only matter of execution and discipline, in the right way. One point of view that changed me was death penalty. I am ok at death penalty if needed at first but after watching this film, especially that scene which prisons in Norway looks like great offices or a resort, they do rehabilitation, not punishment.. I think we can do that here in our country. I suggest, put the criminals not in jail, but the other islands we have, do rehab and they will change. It works.
There were a lot of interesting ideas but I better suggest you watch this film and set back, relax and see what a country should be. Caring for all the people and listening what's the best for all. Not only for the few.
Well, sad to say, USA won't do anything or even copy the systems that this film shows. Geez..
They can't even stop policing around the world. They can't even apply the right law enforcement by themselves.
Now, I'm most inclined that US drops further in my choices of best countries.
I feel I want to put Germany or Norway in my like top 3. hahaha
I hope Michael was able to visit us..
I just don't know what idea he can steal from us..
Maybe balut?
crushes: Tilda Swinton

Well, this time, hmmmm Let's go to older women. At this time, she is the oldest woman I listed in this series. 55 years old! Hahaha I can't believe she looks like one. Anyway, the first time I saw was in the movie Michael Clayton, with George Clooney. Great thing she won an Oscar for her role as a very hell bent lawyer. Then, when I got her name at that film, I followed her since then.
The only thing I did not like about her, hmmmm there was some films that she is very thin. Like that film we need to talk about Kevin. I know she needs to be thin at that film but her looks, just so unusual. But other than that, she looks great! Even in Snowpiercer and Great Budapest Hotel, yeah, weird looks but when you look closely, she is damn. Remove the make up and there she is, very beautiful androgynous woman.
Hmmm she also beautiful in Moonrise Kingdom, or the White Witch in the Narnia series, or how about Trainwreck! Damn, I don't think she is 55 at that movie, maybe 40 ish? hehe But the one film that I can say, she is damn gorgeous and wont' really care about her age, Only Lovers Left Alive. Damn, a perfect fit with Tom Hiddleston! Her voice there, doesn't sounds like old. But her presence there in the film, very striking and beautiful.. I can just stare at here and don't mind the film is running. hehe
Yes, her wholeness, she is very fit to a model which she had a background. Even in that figure, her face just beaming with confidence in every angle. You can put her in any clothes set up or how about roles? From very old in the Grand Budapest Hotel to the very eternal beauty in Only Lovers Left Alive. Or that simple yet striking lawyer in Clayton. That beauty of hers, seems just unforgettable. There are few actresses I can say that kind of image.. Tilda is one, actually Cate Blanchett is another one but for this time, I'll put Tilda first. Maybe I'll do the post for Cate later.
Damn, how beautiful she is? Guys put together into her will have a run in their money. hehe Because of her image, some angles, she is more beautiful than men. Crazy right? How about the Doctor Strange stills of her? Can you believe the original role should be a dude, but I don't know why she was cast.
Never mind.. She looks great as that oriental suit, even bald. =)
unplanned 75
Hay, kakalungkot pa din na wala na si Prince! =( Biglaan. Shocking and sad. Well, that's how life goes. Daming legends na namayapa na this year, and I hope that will kinda lie low in the coming months di ba?
Anyway, kakayamot ang first round ng playoffs sa NBA. Tagal mag second round! hahaha Mabuti pa yun PBA, kahit papano, nakakatuwa yun quarterfinals. Bugbugan na naman sa Semis. Siyempre RoS and Alaska pa din!!!!!!
Bad news, I failed my first application para sa english tutor stuff. But a bit of good news, eh may second and still waiting for the third application. I hope that I'll make it. Ang hirap pala ng application na to. But that won't well, stop going into this new path. Naks! hehe
I'm now starting to modify my wordpress and baka next week, I have a lot of time to fix it until it's ready to launch. Please bear with the wait time. Another thing, hmmmm studying Japanese is like studying Physics in HS. For short, ang hirap. hahahaha I don't like Physics and it's hard kaya looking back, thank God I passed physics kahit 70 plus ang grade ko. This time around, syempre love ang nihonggo, yun nga lang ang hirap. Eto yun naisip ko factors kaya ang talino nila. Writing system pa lang, lintek tatlo!
May progress naman, alam ko na yun hiragana, some basic japanese phrases and rules. Kahit mahirap pag aralan lalo na self study, may mga benefits agad. Walang preposition! hahaha Pronoun at iba pa. I'll discover more once I move on. Tomorrow will be interesting as I'll be in a wedding that is different. Way different. I have mixed feelings. Oh not the couple but the set up ha. hahahaha Different and hard. That's all I can say.
I'm happy that for a month, I got the longest and best rest. Kahit di naman ako lumalabas or visit other places, eh ok lang. Clear out my head and stick to my plan. Di bale, soon I'll make sure, this plan..
Will go places. =)
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Ginebra! Ginebra!
Naiba yun isusulat ko bigla. Dapat isang japanese movie pero dahil sa napanood ko kanina, bigla ako ginanahan magsulat tungkol sa pinakasikat na basketball team, di lang sa PBA, kung hindi sa pinas! Barangay Ginebra Gin Kings! O baka mali yun monicker na alam ko. hehe
For the past 2 games, noong napanood ko sila against RoS siyempre, eh laugh trip. Alam ko na di naman ako magaling na basketball player in person pero knowledge na lang saka as a fan. Nag grow ito dahil sa kapapanood ng NBA, at pati yun ibang liga like PBL, DLeague PBA, NCAA, UAAP at siyempre PBA. Pag may chance nga na FIBA or Euroleague, patusin din. hehe Tapos nadagdagan pa ng odds dati ha, ayun na.. Analyzing basketball games became fun.
Eh yun nga, game 1, dapat panalo na Ginebra kaso anak ng tinapa, biglang nag bwakaw ang magaling na tinyente at tira lang ng tira yun mga malaki kahit labas na sa range nila.. Ayun, napalakad pa sa half court si Coach Tim, tapos ang laro, umiinit yun RoS, tapos game 1! Dikit yun laban at masaya.
Kanina lang, 4th quarter na, nakadikit na ng 8 points yun Ginebra, aba bigla naman ano ano pinaggagawa sa depensa. Nalibre si Quiñahan, Jeff Chan, hanggang kay Ahamisi?! Partida pa yun RoS, tinapa, yun import, labas pasok pa. Hinihingal agad eh. hehe Sila Slaughter, di makaseal o pasok, ang laki naman niya. Yun import mabuti sumusunod kaso siyempre may pastar na PG ulit at naman, wag kalimutan si Caguioa. Kakamintis na tira niya, upo sa 4th quarter. Si Thomson ginamit na mukhang ok, kaso minama siya ng mga Norwood, Chan at Cruz. Yun mga malalaki ng RoS nagpapakamatay sa rebound saka position. Sila Slaughter at Japeth, wala, nakatulala lang. Lalo na si Japeth, hay naku. Di ko alam kung may IQ siya talaga or lost lang siya. Grabe.. Talon ng talon pero ang hilig sa jump shot. Ang hilig sa labas, bakit?
If you ask kung naging fan ako nang team na to, oo naman dati. Añejo rhum pa no. hehe Pero hanggang Coach Uchico lang, kasi pumasok na yun RoS and Alaska. Lalo na nung tinanggal si Coach Jong tapos ano ano na pinag gagawa nila, ayun na, laugh trip na sila lagi. Kahit un huling finals nila, aba wala din.. Injured lahat and un import. Paano sila mananalo nun?
Ayoko ko na pahabaan pa kung bakit sila naging ganito. Maraming dahilan, maraming paraan, kankungan pa din ang patutunguhan. Para manalo naman sila at lalo magfinals man lang kasi mahiya na sila. Coach Tim Cone na ha, tapos ganyan pa din? Di ko lam kung ano growth na sinasabi ni JDV nangyari this conference eh parang wala naman nagbago.
Ok na yun coach, may sistema na at di ko siya sisihin kung bakit puro talo sila. Di gaya ng mga dating coach, na talagang mga ungas. Simple lang gawin nila, palitan si Long hair!
Sorry, di pala, palitan yun halos buong roster. Kahit disappointing si Gregzilla, pero nagimprove talaga siya.. Kulang pa din.. Maganda yun triangle pag siya first option. Si Japeth, sad to say, habang may trade value pa, itrade na! Sama niya na si Chris Ellis na di ko alam ano ginagawa niya. Mahina sa depensa, di niya alam ginagawa sa opensa, tanggalin na siya. Si LA, kahit gusto ko din palitan, di pwede, siya nakakaalam ng triangle saka si JDV. No choice din palitan si JDV kasi kay Tim Cone lang lagi naglalaro. Nakabuenas na player. hahaha Pa especial. Si Sol, pwede siya itago or trade, may times na bagay siya, may times, na hilo din siya.
Ang daming pa players na di ko kung fit.. Si Thompson may future yan, kailangan lang mababad. Si Cruz, depende din. Ah siyempre, yun Fast and Furious, pwede ba sabay na sila magretire? Now na?! Hahaha Wag na yun Helterbrand muna tapos Caguioa.. Diyos miyo, alam na nila dapat gawin. Sayang yun dalawang spot sa kanila. Di na talaga sila effective eh. Nakakalungkot aminin, mas magaling pa din yun kaedad nila, like Dondon o kahit si Alapag na nagretire na, napilitan lang maglaro ulit, may laro pa. Kahit si Asi or Eric Menk, effective. Di ko lang alam sa dalawang to, baka pwede pa itrade. hahahaha
Ah, dahil maraming players ang pwede itrade, ayun itapos sila sa mga mahinang team. Diyan naman sila magaling dati, aba gawin na ng tama ngayon di ba. hehe Saka kunin yun draft picks, mas maganda yun mataas at kumuha sila ng mga 2 shooters talaga. Sa triangle, di naman pwede isa o dalawang shooter lang o may isang big man at isang shooter lang. Kailangan marami shooter. Gaya ng bulls, ang daming shooter dun, di lang naman si MJ or Pippen yun. O gaya na lang ng GSW na lang, sa 5 players nila on the court lagi, 3-4 pwede mag 3 points or good mid range shooters. Wala sila nun sa team na to.
Nakakaawa naman ang fans, unti unti na nauubos kahit sa Araneta marami pa din. Tuwing nagbabasa ako ng comments or napapanood ko sila sa TV, kahit masaya sila napapanood, pero pagkatapos nun, sila yun pinaka bad trip pag natalo. Tulad na lang nung game 1, may nambato ng mineral water at natamaan yun attendant. Grabe.. Kahit masama siyempre ginawa niya, aba galit na siya sa nangyayari sa team.
Alam ko matagal pa magsink in yun triangle, kahit 2 coaches na ang nagimplement sa kanila nito. hahaha Pero may hope pa naman para magchampion sila.. Kasi champion nga sila, sa bora cup naman. hahaha
Nakakatuwa lang kasi marami talaga silang fans at sana, manalo sila. Sa canteen, tricycle station, o kahit online na lang, pag panalo ginebra, parang buong barangay nagsasaya! Yun lang, sana mapabilis lang yun plano nila kasi kaya naman agad agad yun, lalo na may mga players na gets agad yun play saka maayos na depensa lang.. Tanggalin pa din si Japeth..
Di naman ako lilipat sa team na to kahit magchampion sila. Iba na ko ngayon..
Pero, iba talaga pag Ginebra ang bida. =)
For the past 2 games, noong napanood ko sila against RoS siyempre, eh laugh trip. Alam ko na di naman ako magaling na basketball player in person pero knowledge na lang saka as a fan. Nag grow ito dahil sa kapapanood ng NBA, at pati yun ibang liga like PBL, DLeague PBA, NCAA, UAAP at siyempre PBA. Pag may chance nga na FIBA or Euroleague, patusin din. hehe Tapos nadagdagan pa ng odds dati ha, ayun na.. Analyzing basketball games became fun.
Eh yun nga, game 1, dapat panalo na Ginebra kaso anak ng tinapa, biglang nag bwakaw ang magaling na tinyente at tira lang ng tira yun mga malaki kahit labas na sa range nila.. Ayun, napalakad pa sa half court si Coach Tim, tapos ang laro, umiinit yun RoS, tapos game 1! Dikit yun laban at masaya.
Kanina lang, 4th quarter na, nakadikit na ng 8 points yun Ginebra, aba bigla naman ano ano pinaggagawa sa depensa. Nalibre si Quiñahan, Jeff Chan, hanggang kay Ahamisi?! Partida pa yun RoS, tinapa, yun import, labas pasok pa. Hinihingal agad eh. hehe Sila Slaughter, di makaseal o pasok, ang laki naman niya. Yun import mabuti sumusunod kaso siyempre may pastar na PG ulit at naman, wag kalimutan si Caguioa. Kakamintis na tira niya, upo sa 4th quarter. Si Thomson ginamit na mukhang ok, kaso minama siya ng mga Norwood, Chan at Cruz. Yun mga malalaki ng RoS nagpapakamatay sa rebound saka position. Sila Slaughter at Japeth, wala, nakatulala lang. Lalo na si Japeth, hay naku. Di ko alam kung may IQ siya talaga or lost lang siya. Grabe.. Talon ng talon pero ang hilig sa jump shot. Ang hilig sa labas, bakit?
If you ask kung naging fan ako nang team na to, oo naman dati. Añejo rhum pa no. hehe Pero hanggang Coach Uchico lang, kasi pumasok na yun RoS and Alaska. Lalo na nung tinanggal si Coach Jong tapos ano ano na pinag gagawa nila, ayun na, laugh trip na sila lagi. Kahit un huling finals nila, aba wala din.. Injured lahat and un import. Paano sila mananalo nun?
Ayoko ko na pahabaan pa kung bakit sila naging ganito. Maraming dahilan, maraming paraan, kankungan pa din ang patutunguhan. Para manalo naman sila at lalo magfinals man lang kasi mahiya na sila. Coach Tim Cone na ha, tapos ganyan pa din? Di ko lam kung ano growth na sinasabi ni JDV nangyari this conference eh parang wala naman nagbago.
Ok na yun coach, may sistema na at di ko siya sisihin kung bakit puro talo sila. Di gaya ng mga dating coach, na talagang mga ungas. Simple lang gawin nila, palitan si Long hair!
Sorry, di pala, palitan yun halos buong roster. Kahit disappointing si Gregzilla, pero nagimprove talaga siya.. Kulang pa din.. Maganda yun triangle pag siya first option. Si Japeth, sad to say, habang may trade value pa, itrade na! Sama niya na si Chris Ellis na di ko alam ano ginagawa niya. Mahina sa depensa, di niya alam ginagawa sa opensa, tanggalin na siya. Si LA, kahit gusto ko din palitan, di pwede, siya nakakaalam ng triangle saka si JDV. No choice din palitan si JDV kasi kay Tim Cone lang lagi naglalaro. Nakabuenas na player. hahaha Pa especial. Si Sol, pwede siya itago or trade, may times na bagay siya, may times, na hilo din siya.
Ang daming pa players na di ko kung fit.. Si Thompson may future yan, kailangan lang mababad. Si Cruz, depende din. Ah siyempre, yun Fast and Furious, pwede ba sabay na sila magretire? Now na?! Hahaha Wag na yun Helterbrand muna tapos Caguioa.. Diyos miyo, alam na nila dapat gawin. Sayang yun dalawang spot sa kanila. Di na talaga sila effective eh. Nakakalungkot aminin, mas magaling pa din yun kaedad nila, like Dondon o kahit si Alapag na nagretire na, napilitan lang maglaro ulit, may laro pa. Kahit si Asi or Eric Menk, effective. Di ko lang alam sa dalawang to, baka pwede pa itrade. hahahaha
Ah, dahil maraming players ang pwede itrade, ayun itapos sila sa mga mahinang team. Diyan naman sila magaling dati, aba gawin na ng tama ngayon di ba. hehe Saka kunin yun draft picks, mas maganda yun mataas at kumuha sila ng mga 2 shooters talaga. Sa triangle, di naman pwede isa o dalawang shooter lang o may isang big man at isang shooter lang. Kailangan marami shooter. Gaya ng bulls, ang daming shooter dun, di lang naman si MJ or Pippen yun. O gaya na lang ng GSW na lang, sa 5 players nila on the court lagi, 3-4 pwede mag 3 points or good mid range shooters. Wala sila nun sa team na to.
Nakakaawa naman ang fans, unti unti na nauubos kahit sa Araneta marami pa din. Tuwing nagbabasa ako ng comments or napapanood ko sila sa TV, kahit masaya sila napapanood, pero pagkatapos nun, sila yun pinaka bad trip pag natalo. Tulad na lang nung game 1, may nambato ng mineral water at natamaan yun attendant. Grabe.. Kahit masama siyempre ginawa niya, aba galit na siya sa nangyayari sa team.
Alam ko matagal pa magsink in yun triangle, kahit 2 coaches na ang nagimplement sa kanila nito. hahaha Pero may hope pa naman para magchampion sila.. Kasi champion nga sila, sa bora cup naman. hahaha
Nakakatuwa lang kasi marami talaga silang fans at sana, manalo sila. Sa canteen, tricycle station, o kahit online na lang, pag panalo ginebra, parang buong barangay nagsasaya! Yun lang, sana mapabilis lang yun plano nila kasi kaya naman agad agad yun, lalo na may mga players na gets agad yun play saka maayos na depensa lang.. Tanggalin pa din si Japeth..
Di naman ako lilipat sa team na to kahit magchampion sila. Iba na ko ngayon..
Pero, iba talaga pag Ginebra ang bida. =)

Nah, I don't write Berserk. That's Miura sensee job. hehe But surprisingly, after some searching accidentally, I ended up happy to hear that this series is back, in TV!!!! Wow! I heard the news before that there will be new 3 movies but this news came as a surprise. Even Miura will write a new novel in this coming summer. He has no choice to do the new chapter in summber because the TV series is produced by himself.
Anyway, I just realised that when watching GoT, that novel or movie compare to this story Berserk, it will have a big gap. Big difference and yes, I can say GoT is lame. Why? Check the novel of this one.
If I will compare in detail, the space won't be enough. Of course, there will be naysayers or critics about the comparison but we as fans, can fight it until the end. hehe Although, I gave it a thought that due to the mystical or magical part of the story, GoT has an advantage if we compare it only with the band of hawk arc. But overall, nah, I thought of not to compare it anyway.
I just put that thought as some fans comparing this to GoT. Great right? Even with the short teasers about this new TV series, I can't help but thrilled in the quality they will be using.. The mixture of 2D and 3D that they used in the last movie is important to make this series work. We can now see, the real blackswordsman! hahaha Swinging with his dragon slayer! Kill those bastards!!!! With the great OST and yes, the only question remains...
What arc or story they will use? How long they will do it? As you see, ehem Berserk is famously known with a great story development, artwork (which is still unmatched even the great 3rd movie was shown) and yes, very violent content. I'll be surprised if all of the sudden, with all the omissions they did in the new films, they put all the details in the new TV series! What I'm talking about? The sadistic bishop or priest, the first real scene in the manga which was shocking... The number of children Guts killed up to this point.. The rapes of all kinds, yes.. The corruption of people and even the monsters. Even the stories of people why sacrifice for a behelit's power.. The berserker armor! The adventure of the crew of Guts faced.. Those things, I don't know if they will be more graphic in this new series. But the violence? That's given and it should happen in the new series. We just hope, they will create or make the story intact with in the manga. I'm not saying translate that vast story, but the feeling of the whole story, like hope, very desperate, love, and rage, adrenaline rush and yes, berserk. Add the great characters of the story, which made this novel, a masterpiece in the first place.
That's the biggest difference of the manga and TV/Movies adaptation, the action scenes, the look of the characters are more visual and alive. Don't forget, it shows the real ability of my best anime hero the blackswordsman! How he kills with his small sword! hahaha
Anyway, I'm quite get ahead of myself, and I'll just chill and wait until July!!!
Tadai ma, Kuroi Kenshin!
Transporter Refueled

Anyway, months later and while I'm doing my collection for transporter film, I said that I should get this film and add it. Thanks for the more free time, I kinda experiment this film, watch it right away.
One hour and a half later, I was blown away! Blown away how bad it was. Easily the worst film from the series. I can't believe they still shown this in theaters and saved me wasting couple of hundred bucks for this fantastic crap!
Many things made this film bad. First thing, sloppy action scenes! Except for that airport car scenes, everything was bad. It's almost watching a b movie action flick. The sound editing or effects for this film were bad. I don't know if the punches thrown were strong or what. It's kinda lame and choreography which you would expect great or at least, good in a transporter film, absent. The one I hate was that shot when the transporter was walking while his car was just rolling without hand brake.
I cannot understand why they added that scene. Unbelievable waste of time. Another thing, very bad screenplay. Although it was saved due to the twist in the story, but the dialog and the story, how it was presented, I was almost lost and slept. Even the film was only like short. Combined with poor action scenes then bad screenplay, this happened to me. hahaha Third thing, bad supporting cast, besides with Ed Skrein and Ray Stevenson, the whole supporting cast was poor. Never mind that I don't know the cast but I hope they kinda made an effort to improve acting. How bad it is? I thought the policeman was a villain. I don't know if he was with the bad guys, or a good police. Plus the main villains, I don't know, they were not that scary and at the same time, they also don't know what to do in the film. Geez. Ah yes, sorry, the girls, they look good and that's it. Acting wise, poor.
Lastly, the direction of the film, I don't know if Besson looked at it while shooting the film. I don't know, if this was an action flick or suspense. It was more like kidnapping film. Especially what happened to Ray Stevenson's character. Damn, even he was quite unlucky, he doesn't look like worried. He was having fun, too much fun. Weird right? He was having fun getting kidnapped by lovely ladies. hehe
Well, not all things were bad. 2 factors that served as bright spots. First, was the good cinematography. It was bright enough and balanced, film looks good, just good enough. Another thing, Ed Skein and Ray Stevenson. I was surprised that dude was too good looking as the transporter but I accept that. I have no questions about this action skills as he did that simply in Deadpool. I just hoped that the action choreo did in this film was different. Stat's transporter was fast paced and frentic. This one, if they want it slow, like taken.. Slow yet effective, they should do it properly. With a good script and action plan, Ed's transporter will be good because he's more great looking and young. Ray Stevenson as Frank's father, he was good! He did bring not only the fun but at least the sense in this film. I hope he'll be there always if they will go through. Another good thing, cost cutting! hahaha With that face paced making this film and bunch of unknown actors and tight setting.. They saved a lot of money.
It has been a long time I haven't bashed a film, so it's a good thing for me. hehe Yes, because of this bad film.. I did not put this in my collection. No need.
Unfortunately, I have other films, more films that I just saved but did not watch it like this. These films, I can say, just a waste in my HDD memory.
Poor me.. I kept most of these... Crap films.
broken lines (collection 64)
Oh Summer! I don't what to say if you are a girl..
I never get angry but these past month, you make me swirl!
Swirling into this scorhing heat, inside and out.
It got to my nerves and made me angry, fall out!
It is fine, thy sleepless nights because of you..
But if those sleepless times caused by this heat, I'll get rid of you.
The crimson heat flowing everywhere, seems unbearable.
I don't know how I'll survive this, until I find something to disable!
Summer, please don't make this longer..
Or else, we all falter in this living desert.
For now, all I can do, is to eat more dessert!
This Summer, you are making me a bummer..
I never get angry but these past month, you make me swirl!
Swirling into this scorhing heat, inside and out.
It got to my nerves and made me angry, fall out!
It is fine, thy sleepless nights because of you..
But if those sleepless times caused by this heat, I'll get rid of you.
The crimson heat flowing everywhere, seems unbearable.
I don't know how I'll survive this, until I find something to disable!
Summer, please don't make this longer..
Or else, we all falter in this living desert.
For now, all I can do, is to eat more dessert!
This Summer, you are making me a bummer..
Thursday, April 14, 2016
What If..
(Duterte is our president)
Lintek, minamalas si Miriam. hehe Kung mataas lang survey niya, sure na siya iboboto ko. Kaso ganun talaga. Mabuti na lang, may alternative na pwede iboto! Siyempre, hindi si Binay, Grace at Mar. Duterte na to pre! hahaha Natatawa ako dun sa isang news na may isang FB user na puro hate ang nakuha nung sinabi niya dapat wag si Rody ang iboto. Ayun, para siyang tupa na pinakain sa mga leon. Nilalapa siya ng buhay ng users. Mas marami ang gusto kay Duterte. hehe
Hmmmm I used to have, somewhat a couple of friends living near Davao. Totoo naman ang sinasabi nila, mas safe pa daw ang Davao kaysa sa NCR. Secured ka maglakad at night. Saka sa mga vids and pictures, kita mo naman parang mas maayos dun ha. Makapunta nga minsan. hehe Pero as data shows kahit medyo mataas pa din crime rate, eh para naman yun mga major crimes dun, halos nasolve agad, yun ibang criminal, malas, todas!
Well, isa lang naman ang problema niya sa kin. It's more of his hot temper. Ok yun pag nacocontrol niya, not in public display. Mabuti na lang, nun napamura niya nung pumunta si Pope Francis dito eh napatawad siya. Saka yun, improve PR sana, dapat may nagsasabi sa kanya na be civil you know.. Lalo na sa speeches, unless kung ang setting eh barrio lang or small venue, informal kung baga ok lang. Kaso pag may formal setting or may international press, dapat hinay hinay siya sa pananalita. hehe
Tatlong bagay lang naman ang nagustuhan ko sa kanya.. Una, eh transparent siya. Straight to the point, gaya na lang na inamin niya babaero siya.. Mahina siya sa ibang bagay. Nagkamali siya or kahit yun history niya na abused pala siya.. Aba daig pa niya ko sa blog. Siniwalat niya halos lahat. hahaha Simply honest and transparent. Pangalawa, matapang talaga.. Parang siya lang yun presidente kung papalarin, di niya uurungan lahat ng banta sa kanya. Di gaya na usual na president na isisi niya yun mali sa iba pero pag tama or may maganda siya nagawa, nasa kanya yun credit! Matindi! Kapal ng mukha. hahaha Pero siya, at least di niya swapang yun credit. Saka kahit ayoko yun ginawa niya urong sulong, eh at least, di siya umatras di ba? Hinamon siya, so matapang niya hinaharap!
Ang huli, gaya ni Miriam, may leadership! Aba, natawa ako sa isang nag comment na kalaban niya, nakalimutan ko sino pero kung bakit daw 20 years bago nya napababa yun crime rate ng Davao. Yun daw eh nakakabahala at di mangyayari sa atin. Gusto ko sanang sabihin dun sa ungas na yan, at least, nagawa niya. Saka di naman siguro it took like 20 years na ganun. Kahit sabihin na natin lahat na kasama niya eh kamag anak or barkada ni Duterte kaya niya nagawa yun, aba ibig sabihin, sinusunod siya na gusto niya mangyari. Ang hirap kasi sa mga pulitiko, marami nga tao, di naman siya sinusunod, di pa nagtatanggal! Ano mangyayari sa atin. Kaya leadership yun kailangan natin. At kaya pasunurin ni Duterte ang mga taong nasa paligid niya. I don't know paano niya nagawa yun dati, siguro tinatakot niya.. Pero anong paraan yan, basta importante sumunod at makita resulta agad. Di naman niya babaguhin kung nagwork di ba?
Kaya yun honesty at tapang niya, good combination yan. Well, kung ako tatanungin, mahirap yun gagawin niya pero di ako magugulat na drastic measures ang gagawin nya. Martial Law, closing the government for true reforms, he will be damn creative to transform the government for the people. Not a government for other people or selected people. Yes, I can see a lot of blood or it will be messy.. But what other options we have? Tandaan niyo, halos lahat naman ng problema ng bansa, naguugat sa corruption. Maayos lang yan or kahit papano mabawasan ng malaki, uunlad na bansa natin na madali. Saka kung pwede charter change na din. hehe Malamang pag siya presidente, yun walang ka kwentang kwenta CHR eh magtratrabaho na para tignan siya lagi! hehe
Sana si Lacson yun VP para yun 3-6 months time, talagang ubos ang mga criminal, nakasemento pa!!!!
Dito sa D.Tuazon pero posters ni Digong nandito. Sabi ko baka may chance talaga, lalo na sa mga surveys na lumalabas. Although si Grace ang consistent, pero si Duterte, may mga alas pa yan. Lalo na may ugong na... Hahaha abangan sa eleksyon. Sana ituloy niya nga.
Kaya sa presidente, Atin to Pre! Duterte! Naks... Libreng endorsement pa from a dork like me. Tunay na pagbabago!
Ano kaya tawag sa squad niya pag presidente na? =)
Lintek, minamalas si Miriam. hehe Kung mataas lang survey niya, sure na siya iboboto ko. Kaso ganun talaga. Mabuti na lang, may alternative na pwede iboto! Siyempre, hindi si Binay, Grace at Mar. Duterte na to pre! hahaha Natatawa ako dun sa isang news na may isang FB user na puro hate ang nakuha nung sinabi niya dapat wag si Rody ang iboto. Ayun, para siyang tupa na pinakain sa mga leon. Nilalapa siya ng buhay ng users. Mas marami ang gusto kay Duterte. hehe
Hmmmm I used to have, somewhat a couple of friends living near Davao. Totoo naman ang sinasabi nila, mas safe pa daw ang Davao kaysa sa NCR. Secured ka maglakad at night. Saka sa mga vids and pictures, kita mo naman parang mas maayos dun ha. Makapunta nga minsan. hehe Pero as data shows kahit medyo mataas pa din crime rate, eh para naman yun mga major crimes dun, halos nasolve agad, yun ibang criminal, malas, todas!
Well, isa lang naman ang problema niya sa kin. It's more of his hot temper. Ok yun pag nacocontrol niya, not in public display. Mabuti na lang, nun napamura niya nung pumunta si Pope Francis dito eh napatawad siya. Saka yun, improve PR sana, dapat may nagsasabi sa kanya na be civil you know.. Lalo na sa speeches, unless kung ang setting eh barrio lang or small venue, informal kung baga ok lang. Kaso pag may formal setting or may international press, dapat hinay hinay siya sa pananalita. hehe
Tatlong bagay lang naman ang nagustuhan ko sa kanya.. Una, eh transparent siya. Straight to the point, gaya na lang na inamin niya babaero siya.. Mahina siya sa ibang bagay. Nagkamali siya or kahit yun history niya na abused pala siya.. Aba daig pa niya ko sa blog. Siniwalat niya halos lahat. hahaha Simply honest and transparent. Pangalawa, matapang talaga.. Parang siya lang yun presidente kung papalarin, di niya uurungan lahat ng banta sa kanya. Di gaya na usual na president na isisi niya yun mali sa iba pero pag tama or may maganda siya nagawa, nasa kanya yun credit! Matindi! Kapal ng mukha. hahaha Pero siya, at least di niya swapang yun credit. Saka kahit ayoko yun ginawa niya urong sulong, eh at least, di siya umatras di ba? Hinamon siya, so matapang niya hinaharap!
Ang huli, gaya ni Miriam, may leadership! Aba, natawa ako sa isang nag comment na kalaban niya, nakalimutan ko sino pero kung bakit daw 20 years bago nya napababa yun crime rate ng Davao. Yun daw eh nakakabahala at di mangyayari sa atin. Gusto ko sanang sabihin dun sa ungas na yan, at least, nagawa niya. Saka di naman siguro it took like 20 years na ganun. Kahit sabihin na natin lahat na kasama niya eh kamag anak or barkada ni Duterte kaya niya nagawa yun, aba ibig sabihin, sinusunod siya na gusto niya mangyari. Ang hirap kasi sa mga pulitiko, marami nga tao, di naman siya sinusunod, di pa nagtatanggal! Ano mangyayari sa atin. Kaya leadership yun kailangan natin. At kaya pasunurin ni Duterte ang mga taong nasa paligid niya. I don't know paano niya nagawa yun dati, siguro tinatakot niya.. Pero anong paraan yan, basta importante sumunod at makita resulta agad. Di naman niya babaguhin kung nagwork di ba?
Kaya yun honesty at tapang niya, good combination yan. Well, kung ako tatanungin, mahirap yun gagawin niya pero di ako magugulat na drastic measures ang gagawin nya. Martial Law, closing the government for true reforms, he will be damn creative to transform the government for the people. Not a government for other people or selected people. Yes, I can see a lot of blood or it will be messy.. But what other options we have? Tandaan niyo, halos lahat naman ng problema ng bansa, naguugat sa corruption. Maayos lang yan or kahit papano mabawasan ng malaki, uunlad na bansa natin na madali. Saka kung pwede charter change na din. hehe Malamang pag siya presidente, yun walang ka kwentang kwenta CHR eh magtratrabaho na para tignan siya lagi! hehe
Sana si Lacson yun VP para yun 3-6 months time, talagang ubos ang mga criminal, nakasemento pa!!!!
Dito sa D.Tuazon pero posters ni Digong nandito. Sabi ko baka may chance talaga, lalo na sa mga surveys na lumalabas. Although si Grace ang consistent, pero si Duterte, may mga alas pa yan. Lalo na may ugong na... Hahaha abangan sa eleksyon. Sana ituloy niya nga.
Kaya sa presidente, Atin to Pre! Duterte! Naks... Libreng endorsement pa from a dork like me. Tunay na pagbabago!
Ano kaya tawag sa squad niya pag presidente na? =)
flashbacks: PVP Liner
Noong pauwi kami galing south at dumaan kami sa Lacson sa may UST, napaisip tuloy ako na kung ano nangyari sa PVP liner? Sayang naman yun.. Sa mga di nakakaalam, eto yun bus na isa lang ang biyahe, from UST, deretchong Ayala Ave lang naman! hehe
Grabe, nakakamiss kasi. Nadiscover ko siya nung after college pa. Parang nagiisip ako nun kung ano pang way na madali puntang makati. Kasi kung FX, ok lang siya kaso bago ang rush hours. I mean, punta ka Makati ng 8am na FX? Naku, late ka na. hahaha LRT pwede, kaso pag galing sa amin, sasakay ka pa ng jeep tapos kung rush hour ka pupunta, wala na din. Siksikan ka sa sardinas na LRT.
Well, pwede naman bus from EDSA pero grabe naman ang trapik. Pwede naman FX from Suki kaso hanggang 9am lang sila ng umaga. Kaya napaisip ko ano pa pwede sakyan lalo na pag mga 7am pasok mo or kung gusto mo mga 8am nasa Makati ka na. Accidentally after college, nung nagaapply ako work, eto yun bus na naskyan ko at since then, pag pwede ako dito, sumasakay na agad ako.
PVP was the best alternate way. Pag mga unang biyahe nun, mga 7am, from P.Noval hanggang Makati, kaya pa ng before 8am. Ang daan kasi niya, deretchong Lacson, tapos Nagtahan, tapos kaliwa sa may Quirino/SLEX highway then Buendia na then ikot sa MSE/Paseo de Roxas. Bale tatahakin niya yun halos buong Buendia. Most of the time, it works. Tapos pag aalis ka mga 9am, wala na terminal sa may P.Noval, pupunta ka mismo sa Quiapo church at may terminal sila sa may BPI. Ayun, pag walang trapik sa Taft Ave., doon ang daan nila. Tapos kaliwa sa may St. Scho then Ocampo then Makati ulit. Pag trapik naman sa Taft, bale Quiapo ilalim, then nagtahan.
Ganun ko na kamemorize yun daan nila. hahaha Wag ka! Di lang papuntang Makati ang silbi nito. Eh yun galing Makati ganun din. Start naman ng kuha nila eh sa may MSE/Ayala Ave., tapos ikot sila sa Columns tapos derecho na gaya nun sinabi ko. Sa umaga, lalo na pag galing mga call center, ang daan ng bus, taft eh tapos ang dulo Central or UST.
Masarap sumakay dito pag pauwi na, yun nga lang, tatantsahan mo yun oras. Pag ang uwi mo, before 5pm, dito ang best bus puntang QC. Kasi shortcut na sila sa Nagtahan tapos UST na eh. Pero pag 5pm na, well, sa FX suki market na ko sasakay, yun terminal nila sa MRT Ayala.. Wag ka na umaasa makakasakay ka dito ng rush hour kasi puno. Grabe, gitgitan, shortcut route kasi. hehe Ganun lagi ginagawa ko lalo na yun mga panahon na nagwork pa ko sa Makati.
Oops! Meron pa, the best part, eh yun pamasahe. From UST to Makati or vice versa, parang 25 pesos ata or 22. Tapos pag chino roces lang, eh 15 lang ata. Sulit na sulit! hahaha Di ka na sasakay ng jeep sa makati, kasi lahat ng bus stops, nandun siya saka kaunti na lang lalakarin mo sa mga building na pupuntahan mo. Lalo na sa Makati, excercise pag naligaw ka or ang layo ng lalakarin mo. hehe
What met this great bus their demise? One simple thing. The bus ban sa Manila na kailangan may garahe yun bus company ka bago ka makabiyahe. Well, wala naman silang garahe, kaya nakakalat lang sila. Gaya sa Quiapo terminal nila, ayun nakagarahe sila lagi at kaya minsan sila patrapik. Sa UST na pasikip din sa may P.Noval hanggang Navarra. Simula noon, wala na sila. Wala mang lang comeback. hehe Kaya ngayon pag pupunta Makati, pahirapan, wala na shortcut bus.
Sayang, kasi ngayon, grabe trapik sa Makati lalo na daming ginagawa kalsada at yun Skyway. Kahit yun shortcuts eh wala na. Di kagaya pag PVP, madali mapuno kaya mabilis ang biyahe.
Mabuti na lang, di na ko Makati. hahaha Pero paminsan minsan, I need to go to Makati, kaya hinahanap ko pa din itong bus na to.
Yeah, the company itself parang di naman nawala. May isang fleet pa sila kaso ang biyahe eh from SM southmall to Lawton. Nalaman ko lang eh yun kulay ng Bus ng fleet na to, parehas sa PVP. Iba din pangalan sa mas bago yun bus.
Hay, sayang yun PVP, maganda alternative pa din in these days going to Makati.
What the hell PVP stands for? Parang tubo eh. hehe
Grabe, nakakamiss kasi. Nadiscover ko siya nung after college pa. Parang nagiisip ako nun kung ano pang way na madali puntang makati. Kasi kung FX, ok lang siya kaso bago ang rush hours. I mean, punta ka Makati ng 8am na FX? Naku, late ka na. hahaha LRT pwede, kaso pag galing sa amin, sasakay ka pa ng jeep tapos kung rush hour ka pupunta, wala na din. Siksikan ka sa sardinas na LRT.
Well, pwede naman bus from EDSA pero grabe naman ang trapik. Pwede naman FX from Suki kaso hanggang 9am lang sila ng umaga. Kaya napaisip ko ano pa pwede sakyan lalo na pag mga 7am pasok mo or kung gusto mo mga 8am nasa Makati ka na. Accidentally after college, nung nagaapply ako work, eto yun bus na naskyan ko at since then, pag pwede ako dito, sumasakay na agad ako.
PVP was the best alternate way. Pag mga unang biyahe nun, mga 7am, from P.Noval hanggang Makati, kaya pa ng before 8am. Ang daan kasi niya, deretchong Lacson, tapos Nagtahan, tapos kaliwa sa may Quirino/SLEX highway then Buendia na then ikot sa MSE/Paseo de Roxas. Bale tatahakin niya yun halos buong Buendia. Most of the time, it works. Tapos pag aalis ka mga 9am, wala na terminal sa may P.Noval, pupunta ka mismo sa Quiapo church at may terminal sila sa may BPI. Ayun, pag walang trapik sa Taft Ave., doon ang daan nila. Tapos kaliwa sa may St. Scho then Ocampo then Makati ulit. Pag trapik naman sa Taft, bale Quiapo ilalim, then nagtahan.
Ganun ko na kamemorize yun daan nila. hahaha Wag ka! Di lang papuntang Makati ang silbi nito. Eh yun galing Makati ganun din. Start naman ng kuha nila eh sa may MSE/Ayala Ave., tapos ikot sila sa Columns tapos derecho na gaya nun sinabi ko. Sa umaga, lalo na pag galing mga call center, ang daan ng bus, taft eh tapos ang dulo Central or UST.
Masarap sumakay dito pag pauwi na, yun nga lang, tatantsahan mo yun oras. Pag ang uwi mo, before 5pm, dito ang best bus puntang QC. Kasi shortcut na sila sa Nagtahan tapos UST na eh. Pero pag 5pm na, well, sa FX suki market na ko sasakay, yun terminal nila sa MRT Ayala.. Wag ka na umaasa makakasakay ka dito ng rush hour kasi puno. Grabe, gitgitan, shortcut route kasi. hehe Ganun lagi ginagawa ko lalo na yun mga panahon na nagwork pa ko sa Makati.
Oops! Meron pa, the best part, eh yun pamasahe. From UST to Makati or vice versa, parang 25 pesos ata or 22. Tapos pag chino roces lang, eh 15 lang ata. Sulit na sulit! hahaha Di ka na sasakay ng jeep sa makati, kasi lahat ng bus stops, nandun siya saka kaunti na lang lalakarin mo sa mga building na pupuntahan mo. Lalo na sa Makati, excercise pag naligaw ka or ang layo ng lalakarin mo. hehe
What met this great bus their demise? One simple thing. The bus ban sa Manila na kailangan may garahe yun bus company ka bago ka makabiyahe. Well, wala naman silang garahe, kaya nakakalat lang sila. Gaya sa Quiapo terminal nila, ayun nakagarahe sila lagi at kaya minsan sila patrapik. Sa UST na pasikip din sa may P.Noval hanggang Navarra. Simula noon, wala na sila. Wala mang lang comeback. hehe Kaya ngayon pag pupunta Makati, pahirapan, wala na shortcut bus.
Sayang, kasi ngayon, grabe trapik sa Makati lalo na daming ginagawa kalsada at yun Skyway. Kahit yun shortcuts eh wala na. Di kagaya pag PVP, madali mapuno kaya mabilis ang biyahe.
Mabuti na lang, di na ko Makati. hahaha Pero paminsan minsan, I need to go to Makati, kaya hinahanap ko pa din itong bus na to.
Yeah, the company itself parang di naman nawala. May isang fleet pa sila kaso ang biyahe eh from SM southmall to Lawton. Nalaman ko lang eh yun kulay ng Bus ng fleet na to, parehas sa PVP. Iba din pangalan sa mas bago yun bus.
Hay, sayang yun PVP, maganda alternative pa din in these days going to Makati.
What the hell PVP stands for? Parang tubo eh. hehe
Thursday, March 31, 2016
jdrama: Suteki na Sen Taxi

Honestly, parang nadaanan ko lang yun drama na to last year. Looking for something interesting then I watched yun episode one. After that, ayun na naman, I finished the series! hehe
Ang galing kasi ng premise. Simple lang, may taxi na kayang bumalik sa parang turning point mo sa buhay. Parang may way ka para baguhin yun decision na yun. Yes, a time machine. Parang back to the future lang. Yun nga lang, mahal ang fee, kaya ang pwede mo lang balikan eh yun sa budget mo lang. hahaha Siyempre parang di totoo di ba, pero dahil magaling bumenta itong driver na to, eh yun pasahero, go naman!
Tapos yun na, the whole series was about this taxi driver catering different customers and helping them to fulfill their requests. One of the weird yet great jdramas I watched. Weird kasi parang scifi di ba? Saka the whole series, doesn't show paano nagawa yun taxi na yun. Or may iba pa kayang taxi na ganun din. Great kasi sa mga factors na nakalagay sa baba.
There were only 2 flaws I saw sa series. Una eh yun nga, guessing kung paano nagawa yun taxi or kung bakit yun driver eh parang di nagbacktrack yun story niya. I mean, makikita mo yun story niya sa huli pero kung lahat ng nadrive niya, dapat yun story niya maback track din di ba? Pero parang may law ata or reason kung bakit di bumabaligtad yun time niya. hehe Weird pero panoorin niyo na lang. Basta more questions to answer which sana nasagot kahit kaunti sa huli.
Another flaw, siyempre dahil nakakatuwa yun series, sana lahat ng episodes ganun di ba. May isang episode na parang di na align sa series. Yes, the episode 9. Siyempre nasasabik ka sino yun customer niya na gusto bumalik sa oras kaso wala eh, nakakaasar, di nangyari sa episode na to. =( Bwisit. Sana iniba na lang nila or stick to their usual plot. Kaso hindi.. I just hate that episode.
Anyway, tapos na ang flaws, let's stick to the greatness. =) Una! Cool concept! Except for the old looking taxi. Ang panalo nun concept, akalain mo na naisip nila yun. Selling time machine. hehe Saka yun part na papano siya nagwowork. Ang kulit.. hehe
Pangalawa, the direction nung series. I mean, there is no dull moments, except for that one episode. Saka kahit ganun ang concept, di siya magulo at mafofocus ka sa story itself for each episode then think later. For example, yun episode nun busy doctor. Ang daming beses niya paulit ulit yun ginagawa niya, pero di naman ako naguluhan. hehe Kasi ayaw niya magpatalo and wants to perfect her choice kaya yun, mayaman pa, kaya pabalik balik siya. hehe Yes, it's like groundhound day times 3 for each episode. Ang favorite episode ko, yun lolo episode sana kasi may twist sa huli pero yun lotto episode na lang. I don't know kung episode 4 or 2 yun. Pero ang galing at heart warming episode yun. Basta check niyo na lang.
Lastly, the great cast. Yun main cast panalo. Siyempre yun main actor na si Takenouchi Yutaka, grabe swabe eh. haha Mr. Suave! From his selling skills, to his always confusing choices at demeanor, eh kahit ako nganga sa kanya. Dahil diyan, naghanap ako ng ibang series niya. Eh in real life, ehem Kurashina Kana lang naman ang GF! Ok lang. hahaha Galing niya as the driver saka yun backstory niya nakakatuwa. Siyempre yun suki niyang cafe panalo din, yun may ari, yun dalawang assistant niya saka yun secret character na nagpasimuno ng taxi na to. Seino Nana, tough and beautiful woman. Yun lang. Saka yun bonus pang series nila na Criminal Detective na pwede din nilang gawin series, kaso sobrang gulo. hahaha Akalain mo nasingit nila ito.
That's not enough, grabe yun mga guest nila dito for all episodes! Nagulat ako Yasuda Ken from episode 1, tapos dito ko din nadiscover si Kimura Fumino na buong 2015 siya lang nakikita mo. hehe Mano Erina pa, tapos Yoshida Yo and Kuriyama Chiaki and my favorite guest, Kanjiya Shiori! Nakakatuwa yun episode niya. Kahit guest lang sila, talagang main story driver sila every episode and it was fun!
I definitely recommend this series lalo na gusto maiba naman ang pinapanood nila. It's a feel good and interesting one drama. Kahit 10 episodes lang, well ganun talaga.
Pero I'm excited kasi may SP this coming month! Sana makita ko na!!! Sino sino kaya yun sasakay sa taxi niya? hehe
Kung ako yun sasakay sa taxi niya, hmmmmm Siguro yun time na malalate lang ko. Yun tipong mga 5 mins na lang QC pa lang ako tapos Makati pupuntahan ko. hahaha Babalik ako sa time na para umalis ako ng maaga!
Or kung mayaman ako, hmmmm di naman ako babalik sa sobrang past. Yun tamang time na sana ginawa ko ito ng tama. Yun lang. No need to really go back to that, difficult past events.. Ok na yun.
Ikaw? San ka babalik pag nakasakay ka sa taxi na to?
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

I had a whole day thlinking it's not how good it was but it's more of how they could have done or at least made it right. Yes, I even posted as this film compared to Pacquiao vs. Mayweather mega ultra super fight which it ended up, a money making grab machine that we felt lost. Inevitably.
I was surprised, that after the film ended, I mean when that final shot was shown, everybody clapped! They had a very great time. Anyway, yes I'm ranting about it but still, I can say, it was worth the IMAX viewing and worth collecting. But watching it again.. I'll wait for the following flicks from this DC universe they put in.
Let's go straight to the major flaws. First one, well.. Editing! There were a lot of scenes that I was surprised it's happening all of the sudden without any build up or explanation then it's finished. One great example, the future scene. I can't believe they needed that scene and put it in the story. I was confused especially how it ended. They could have like remove it. How about the intro scenes of Batman, they could done like as a recurring nightmare bits by bits or just cut it off. The jumping of scenes of Superman's arch and Batman's arch.. It's just I did not follow it.
Another problem, dialogue/screenplay. Oh, yes, it's like indeed sucker punch. I don't know what the screenwriters did or what WB planning to do, what are there goals for this film but it has a lot of stories, it just did not work as a single plot. Oh no, especially at that last part of the film, I mean on all the reason that Bat and Superman fought was because of a threat. Geez.. They could made it simpler at the beginning. Man of Steel has a fun factor, this one, only some few, very few fun dialogue or moments. It's just they tried to make it all work but ended up, almost failed. Even some action scenes done, I don't know, some of it just did not make sense. Like what happened to Lois Lane, I don't know why they thought of making her the saving grace. Geez.. There were also a lot of like this happened. Yes, I felt that the movie, despite 3 years of waiting to make it happen, it was so rushed and just put it together like it has a very tight deadline. No kidding..
Flaw number 3, it was very long. It dragged me some time and yes, if they fixed the first 2 major issues, I won't feeling this way. But it was very long and some scenes should have removed or at least improved. I don't know how the director's cut of 3 hours will help this movie. I'll definitely wait for that cut, coz Zack done that in Watchmen and it kinda help. I don't know with this one. First hour was all talking, political then shifts to a thriller because of Batman and very few action scenes. Then at the second part, it became more action but less talking then I hope the Mega Battle was long but it was short, abrupt but awesome. I hope well, my suggestions below definitely helps the movie.
Lastly, the last biggest flaw. Doomsday! There were other flaws but I kinda forgave it and just focus in the major ones.. This one, I can't let it pass. the problem of the film at the first part of it was for movie critcs. For fans of the characters, I think they can forgive the other flaws, but I don't they will let it pass the Doomsday part. It's like, this villain can be in Man of Steel 2 or 3. Or may justice league movie in the future. But yes, sorry for the spoiler.. Blame the final trailer and it is true. It's Doomsday and yes, it finished fast. It's like Red Skull in Cap America or Ultron in the last year's Avengers. Great entrance, last appearance! Damn... It really dashed my expectations. Red Skull or Ultron, or even Bane in DKR had a longer time in the film, this one, it has very short appearance. But scary appearance. I just hope, they just let BvS run the fight until the end or different villain. Rushed is rushed. Sorry..
Another flaws like the CGI was very evident especially the final arch. Understandable due to the scale of destruction but it was not really polished. Another dent was the intro of the other Justice League members. I thought Aquaman will show in the drowning scene, or Flash will just pass by, Cyborg will be Cyborg. No idea about him, or how about Green Lantern.. But sorry, the only great appearance stood out besides the 2 main characters, was Wonder Woman.
Only 4 things struck me in this movie. First, great visual treat especially in IMAX. I loved how picture shown in IMAX especially the climatic battle of BvS and some normal scenes look great. Slow motion as a staple in the film works, but not all the scenes. It's like 60-40, more scenes worked in slow motion than other scenes.
Another thing I love was the basic concept. Batman vs. Superman. Period. Great looking Superman then a rugged, scary and big Batman fighting each other. Despite it was not executed thru substance, they made it look good. I hope that their big fight was extended a few minutes more. I hope their first meeting was not that short. It has great looking settings, except the last parts especially when Doomsday shows up. My only concern that was the shots when someone thrown in the building or high in the sky or goes thru buildings. I hope they focus it more than it was focus out from the camera. Its like too far and the buildings are bigger than the hereos. But it still great looking and very visually appealing.
Batman's character, was a great asset in this film. I was wrong about Ben Affleck being the Bat and damn he delivered. At last, he has a role he can deliver and be great into it. I was smiling that a batman with a big body, old man yet, a killing machine went into screen. I love that Batman in the full armor suit. I thought he'll be like Iron Man, but he did not. So, he still did not fly. hehe But Ben as Bruce Wayne is just right and I hope, not trilogy again. Just one Batman film starring Ben will be great. Even this Bat was slow, well he's old, but that grit and scary big guy, that's a badass Batman.
Lastly, the actors did their job just fine. Except, for Jessie Eissenberg as Lex Luthor. It's like if other critics call it like Riddler that was high. I describe Jessie's take on Lex was like FB's founder when became psychotic. I mean, Lex I saw him as a quiet rich dude who knows what to do despite he did not know how to do it. I mean, he's not a scientist but he knows he can defeat Superman. Things like that. He's a leader and a menace to Superman. I just remember Jessie's role in the social network and yes, he just done it again, the only difference, he's hyperactive. Other roles, like Amy Adams as Lois Lane was good except what she was advised to do. Alfred! Oh my God, Jeremy Irons is perfect as Alfred. Another different Alfred here, he's more of a partner, than a butler here. I like it. Then Ben Affleck, cool and menacing Batman.. I love the batcave, his batmobile, the batplane and his weapons as well. Henry Cavill as superman, same in the Man of Steel, very composed and not really exagerrating.
Due to his fewer screen time, I love Man of Steel than this one. But he still did a great job. How about Kevin Costner, despite a really nonsense scene, still good being Clark's dad. Diane Lane also did a good job still as mom of Bruce despite the short time. Gal Gadot! Wonder Woman yeah. Give her a movie now. hehe The role is fit for her but the problem, is the Wonder Woman's story. Yeah.. So I hope they'll do the spinoff right for her. I was looking for the invisible jet though. hehe Despite the failures of the screenplay, these actors made the film running and yeah, I love the cast. Even Holly Hunter as the senator, which sad to say, cut short.
Ok, I can't believe that despite I watched the reviews days before the release, I did not believe them. At the time the reviews were there, I kinda hoped for the best. But after 2 and a half hours of mayhem, unanimously, I agreed with them.
I hope or thought of these suggestions that before making this film, help to make it great. One, they could just create Man of Steel 2, then another Batman film with suprise cameo of Wonder Woman, then pit off in BvS. Or if WB doesn't want to wait and yes, their eagerness to beat marvel shown in this film flaws. They rushed to build the excitement for Justice League by showing those funny cameos. Oh God, I hope they had a better intro for Cyborg.
Anyway, WB can make this film but focus in the simpler approach why BvS will happen. No Batman intro, just make him appear right away and do what he needs to do how to defeat Superman. No Lex Luthor or Doomsday. That plot of accidentally, Superman destroying Gotham was enough good story they can build on and fight. Nothing more or less, right?
Yes, I recommend, that for Justice League, put another director please. Zack done his job, I can give him Man of Steel 2 or even Batman solo film. But not Justice League. Please WB, make the right choice.
Well, thanks to this, I'm now waiting for Civil War than ever. I already planned to skip this Civil War unless some of my friends will invite me to watch. But I changed my mind, no friend or alone, I'll watch Civil War.
I just thought of the X Men apocalypse. This is also the reason why instead the real 4 horsemen of Apocalypse villains, they used Storm, Psylocke, Magneto and Angel against the XMen. Besides, they're under Fox anyway. Of course, I'll never miss that film. I'm anticipating this than Civil War.
Suicide Squad? Oh yes, I really ignore that one but after watching this.. I'll line up for that movie!
I still recommend this movie but if you have a chance to avoid it and not curious about it.
Not a bad choice. Wait for the next films indeed.
I'll just watch Daredevil vs. Punisher for the mean time from Netflix.
Mercy Full
Somewhat the title for the Grand Easter Feast this year. However, before I went here, for the past holy week, I felt that I received a full of mercy.
I really got a lot of rest after long months of working hard. Really hard which I'll explain in the future. Geez, I also did not imagine I'll survived this frentic environment. That was over anyway.
Despite of my somewhat missteps for the past weeks, I just finished it and now, I'm building and starting out what I planned. Before doing that, of course, I need to somehow re-energize myself. Watched some movies, ate some japanese food, finish some errands and self studying were the things I did. I wish I could go somewhere or accept invitations from friends, but I don't know.. All of the sudden, I want to be alone.
I kind of became anti-social. Maybe the reasons behind it were laziness, jealousy, or even feel ashamed. Damn, I felt if I compare myself to them, I'm lost. But anyway, great thing holy week came and I'll just do the simpler or easiest way to not feel down, or disappointed.. Reflect on myself.
Although I always pray and somewhat doing what I written down in the past months, my first reflection was really... I just need rest. Rest, space or whatever to get away from my job and finsh the important things then have something for myself.
By simply looking at myself and see, analyze and look into my heart. Of course, a lot of questions just circling around me then anxiety as well. I closed my eyes and just talked to Jesus and I only ended up a simple wish.
"Lord, just give me the confidence to start over. I know I'm alone and have zero to none options left, just help me to move into this new path."
It calmed me down and for the rest of the week, I just started to learn on my work, how to improve and read the books.. Then cook some fishes for the house and helped Mom to finish the chores..
Confession came then yes, after some like months or a year, I'm getting a good hot afternoon sleep! I enjoyed doing it even it's like steaming hot in my room. Saturday came, watched that geez forget it movie. It was fun but I had more fun when I ate ramen after a very long time.
Then Sunday came.. It was like not only a very long Holy Week, but also it's Fr Bob's long recollection. From Palm Sunday, then Saturday's show at GMA then just hours ago, I saw him again. Even he discussed almost the same thing in all those shows, this time, he discussed a different thing. Surprisingly, he talked about how he gave Mercy to others. He had a really ironic reason why he became a priest. I almost thought, its God's intervention to him. What struck me was how he forgave that one person who like abused him for a long time and even ended up that person said sorry in a very late time. It's a long story but it's heart warming and that is true to me, forgiveness can be given, as long it comes naturally from you. Not forced or obliged, just let God makes way for you to move on.. Then easily forgive this person in the God's time. Sometimes, like what happened to me, I just forgave this person after all the pain or hurt went away.
After that sharing, then singing came from those surprise big artist then worship and important talks about yes... Mercy. How to receive God's mercy in different ways. It can be thru tough love, or realizations or sometimes.. Sudden change of heart. It's a great day to celebrate Easter today, especiall how the church encourages us to always ask Mercy from Him. It should not only apply for this year of Mercy but every time.
Honestly, I did not really mind about that word of Mercy. It's like this word equals to when somebody getting punished bad or worse, that's the time you ask for Mercy.
For this year or just for the past holy week.. I realized, mercy doesn't work that way. Jesus gave full mercy to us, then we should embodied that thru works or acts of mercy and love then yes... If needed, we also give mercy to those who not only need one, but also people who should receive mercy as you received from Jesus. Mercy is like a combination of forgiveness, charity, humility and tough love. Yes, not only love, but tough love..
I hope that thru this holy week, well... I just focus in the brighter side of things and start to work hard in this new path. I claim it'll work. Please. hahaha
I don't feel alone anymore due to the mercy I felt not only this past holy week.. For the past like first quarter of this year! Thank God I'm blessed.
However, what I learned about Mercy, if I was able to give it to other people.. Maybe I'll mercy for myself more.
Ironic isn't it?
I really got a lot of rest after long months of working hard. Really hard which I'll explain in the future. Geez, I also did not imagine I'll survived this frentic environment. That was over anyway.
Despite of my somewhat missteps for the past weeks, I just finished it and now, I'm building and starting out what I planned. Before doing that, of course, I need to somehow re-energize myself. Watched some movies, ate some japanese food, finish some errands and self studying were the things I did. I wish I could go somewhere or accept invitations from friends, but I don't know.. All of the sudden, I want to be alone.
I kind of became anti-social. Maybe the reasons behind it were laziness, jealousy, or even feel ashamed. Damn, I felt if I compare myself to them, I'm lost. But anyway, great thing holy week came and I'll just do the simpler or easiest way to not feel down, or disappointed.. Reflect on myself.
Although I always pray and somewhat doing what I written down in the past months, my first reflection was really... I just need rest. Rest, space or whatever to get away from my job and finsh the important things then have something for myself.
By simply looking at myself and see, analyze and look into my heart. Of course, a lot of questions just circling around me then anxiety as well. I closed my eyes and just talked to Jesus and I only ended up a simple wish.
"Lord, just give me the confidence to start over. I know I'm alone and have zero to none options left, just help me to move into this new path."
It calmed me down and for the rest of the week, I just started to learn on my work, how to improve and read the books.. Then cook some fishes for the house and helped Mom to finish the chores..
Confession came then yes, after some like months or a year, I'm getting a good hot afternoon sleep! I enjoyed doing it even it's like steaming hot in my room. Saturday came, watched that geez forget it movie. It was fun but I had more fun when I ate ramen after a very long time.
Then Sunday came.. It was like not only a very long Holy Week, but also it's Fr Bob's long recollection. From Palm Sunday, then Saturday's show at GMA then just hours ago, I saw him again. Even he discussed almost the same thing in all those shows, this time, he discussed a different thing. Surprisingly, he talked about how he gave Mercy to others. He had a really ironic reason why he became a priest. I almost thought, its God's intervention to him. What struck me was how he forgave that one person who like abused him for a long time and even ended up that person said sorry in a very late time. It's a long story but it's heart warming and that is true to me, forgiveness can be given, as long it comes naturally from you. Not forced or obliged, just let God makes way for you to move on.. Then easily forgive this person in the God's time. Sometimes, like what happened to me, I just forgave this person after all the pain or hurt went away.
After that sharing, then singing came from those surprise big artist then worship and important talks about yes... Mercy. How to receive God's mercy in different ways. It can be thru tough love, or realizations or sometimes.. Sudden change of heart. It's a great day to celebrate Easter today, especiall how the church encourages us to always ask Mercy from Him. It should not only apply for this year of Mercy but every time.
Honestly, I did not really mind about that word of Mercy. It's like this word equals to when somebody getting punished bad or worse, that's the time you ask for Mercy.
For this year or just for the past holy week.. I realized, mercy doesn't work that way. Jesus gave full mercy to us, then we should embodied that thru works or acts of mercy and love then yes... If needed, we also give mercy to those who not only need one, but also people who should receive mercy as you received from Jesus. Mercy is like a combination of forgiveness, charity, humility and tough love. Yes, not only love, but tough love..
I hope that thru this holy week, well... I just focus in the brighter side of things and start to work hard in this new path. I claim it'll work. Please. hahaha
I don't feel alone anymore due to the mercy I felt not only this past holy week.. For the past like first quarter of this year! Thank God I'm blessed.
However, what I learned about Mercy, if I was able to give it to other people.. Maybe I'll mercy for myself more.
Ironic isn't it?
A Prodigal Son
One of the beloved and well known parables in the bible. A very long gospel which endears me most especially at times that I kinda slip due to my sins.. Di ko akalain, sa dami ng parables na gusto ko basahin or memorize, eto yun parang tumitigil ang mundo ko or it always giving me fits... Kung baga, parang, mapapaisip at mararamdaman mo na talagang mahal ka ni God.
I admit that I'm a sinful person, for the past long years.. Pero masasabi ko naman na nagbago ako paunti unti nga lang. hehe Hatred was gone. A bit of alcoholic eh wala na, not drink or sip an alcohol for like 4 years. hahaha Pwede naman sa inom pero depende kung sino magyaya, but definitely, just few bottles I'm done. I'm more optimistic than pessimist. Unlike before na baligtad. I'm more understanding, lalo na sa mga taong nakapaligid sa kin. I feel more relaxed despite immense pressure or stress. Yes.. A bit change sa health but still, I'm far behind being healthy. hehe
But despite those changes, I need to change more. Like the son did in the story, squandered inheritance in a far away land. I did waste something for the past years, my time and effort. I did not manage well the expectations. Kala ko kaya ko pero hindi pala.. Dagdag mo pa na yun iba, na I felt napagiwanan na. Sakto, the son felt that same way nung wala na siyang makain. Said to himself, na mabuti pa yun mga alagad ng tatay ko, di nauubusan ng pagkain at iba pa. Mas mabuti kung bumalik na lang ako and tell him I'm sorry and deny me as a son and make me one of your servants! It's hard to eat and swallow, pride, failures, disappointments tapos babalik ka sa Ama na tanggap na nagkamali ka at gusto mo magbago ulit.
Mahirap, kung ako ito, sa ngayon, parang pabalik pa lang ako sa Ama. Drained, confused and thirsty. Great thing that the Son was able to go back and given the finest robe at may fiesta pa na may masarap na baka! Wow.
Samantala ako, I just got out from the mud and going back, in the right path. Yes, coming from that mud of sin, despair and exhaustion. For the past days, while listening to Fr. Bob's talk, I just felt I'm really that sinful. It means, the hardest part of conversion is now at hand. I just figure it out how to overcome them. Make to do some sacrifices such as define my value. Look for a work that not only makes money but ignites or envigorate passion.
Get out the old ways, forgive myself, learn to purify. Get away from JAV. =( Damn these stars... hehe Value the people around you more and became more patient. If I'm alone which I always feel these days... Pray na lang. Or talk to myself.. Look other ways to fill myself with love from Jesus.
These difficult things, I felt that hindering me to grow further. That's why, I'm thankful for this holy week and yes, this story.. It reminds me that at the end of that long road, that hope and love, faith I learned always... I just need to stick with it. Stick with it every moment. Every moment..
I just realized, na kahit ganito ako, I still blessed and grateful. Got the opportunity to reached great accomplishments which I did not expect. Still got the things that I thought I'll get it later. haha Bad vibes or events were less up to this moment. And yes, I can sense na this is the high time, fulfill my commitment to serve Him. Pero di ko pa alam ang time, pero parang this year na. Simple serve lang muna. hehe
Indeed the Father in the story, as this year suggest by the church, gave full mercy to the prodigal son. Not only full mercy, but also love that gave the son meaning to himself and what it meant to go back. We don't know if this son really changed, or if he did amend with his older brother who complained such mercy. I don't care about those parts..
What I care was that very act of full mercy and love. The son was able to receive without even asking.
That's the love of God.
Siguro ang ending talaga nun, nasa state of shock yun anak. hehe Just staring at the feast at di pa din maka move on sa nangyari na ginawa ng tatay niya.
Sa kin, siguro pag nangyari yun, I might fell down and cry very hard and embrace like forever..
My great father. Thank you. =)
I admit that I'm a sinful person, for the past long years.. Pero masasabi ko naman na nagbago ako paunti unti nga lang. hehe Hatred was gone. A bit of alcoholic eh wala na, not drink or sip an alcohol for like 4 years. hahaha Pwede naman sa inom pero depende kung sino magyaya, but definitely, just few bottles I'm done. I'm more optimistic than pessimist. Unlike before na baligtad. I'm more understanding, lalo na sa mga taong nakapaligid sa kin. I feel more relaxed despite immense pressure or stress. Yes.. A bit change sa health but still, I'm far behind being healthy. hehe
But despite those changes, I need to change more. Like the son did in the story, squandered inheritance in a far away land. I did waste something for the past years, my time and effort. I did not manage well the expectations. Kala ko kaya ko pero hindi pala.. Dagdag mo pa na yun iba, na I felt napagiwanan na. Sakto, the son felt that same way nung wala na siyang makain. Said to himself, na mabuti pa yun mga alagad ng tatay ko, di nauubusan ng pagkain at iba pa. Mas mabuti kung bumalik na lang ako and tell him I'm sorry and deny me as a son and make me one of your servants! It's hard to eat and swallow, pride, failures, disappointments tapos babalik ka sa Ama na tanggap na nagkamali ka at gusto mo magbago ulit.
Mahirap, kung ako ito, sa ngayon, parang pabalik pa lang ako sa Ama. Drained, confused and thirsty. Great thing that the Son was able to go back and given the finest robe at may fiesta pa na may masarap na baka! Wow.
Samantala ako, I just got out from the mud and going back, in the right path. Yes, coming from that mud of sin, despair and exhaustion. For the past days, while listening to Fr. Bob's talk, I just felt I'm really that sinful. It means, the hardest part of conversion is now at hand. I just figure it out how to overcome them. Make to do some sacrifices such as define my value. Look for a work that not only makes money but ignites or envigorate passion.
Get out the old ways, forgive myself, learn to purify. Get away from JAV. =( Damn these stars... hehe Value the people around you more and became more patient. If I'm alone which I always feel these days... Pray na lang. Or talk to myself.. Look other ways to fill myself with love from Jesus.
These difficult things, I felt that hindering me to grow further. That's why, I'm thankful for this holy week and yes, this story.. It reminds me that at the end of that long road, that hope and love, faith I learned always... I just need to stick with it. Stick with it every moment. Every moment..
I just realized, na kahit ganito ako, I still blessed and grateful. Got the opportunity to reached great accomplishments which I did not expect. Still got the things that I thought I'll get it later. haha Bad vibes or events were less up to this moment. And yes, I can sense na this is the high time, fulfill my commitment to serve Him. Pero di ko pa alam ang time, pero parang this year na. Simple serve lang muna. hehe
Indeed the Father in the story, as this year suggest by the church, gave full mercy to the prodigal son. Not only full mercy, but also love that gave the son meaning to himself and what it meant to go back. We don't know if this son really changed, or if he did amend with his older brother who complained such mercy. I don't care about those parts..
What I care was that very act of full mercy and love. The son was able to receive without even asking.
That's the love of God.
Siguro ang ending talaga nun, nasa state of shock yun anak. hehe Just staring at the feast at di pa din maka move on sa nangyari na ginawa ng tatay niya.
Sa kin, siguro pag nangyari yun, I might fell down and cry very hard and embrace like forever..
My great father. Thank you. =)
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
unplanned 69
Ha! Di ako susulat sa huli ng March. hehe Para maiba naman. Kakagaling ko lang sa party ni Lolo, at ang sarap ng lengua. hahaha
Hmmmm I'm taking this short time to rest and move on to let's say, a new path for me. This will determine my future. I want to make sure, I don't want to go back and yes, taking my own path. Malalaman natin yan in the next weeks. I hope, there will be, progress.
Di ko alam, kung lahat eh excited sa BvS!!!! I am of course, fan ako ng Man of Steel at lalo ako naging excited kasi mukhang ok si Ben Affleck as Batman. Pag naka una ako, malamang, ireview ko agad di ba?
I am breathing freely. No rush of sleeping early for tomorrow's work. It's the first time, that I'll be alone for a career. Di pala first time, kasi way back ePLDT days, ako pala nagdecide nun then the rest pala. hehe First time pala again for a long time, to take a different career path.
Maganda ang takbo ng Alaska pero sana naman di ba mag finals sila. At manalo naman ng championship. hahaha NBA, hmmmm ano ba, paano kaya talunin yun GSW? Yun CLE ko, anak ng tinapa, parang masisilat pa sa playoffs!
What else, weird, ang init sa gabi, na dapat hindi. Wag mong sabihin ang summer eh all day hotness?! Geez. No kidding? Ano pa, yeah.. I'll open my FB and twitter most of the time. For social reasons?
Next month eh Civil War at si spidey eh mukhang badet. Parang ang bright ng costume niya. Parang rush yun pagkalagay sa kanya. hahaha Pero grabe ang nilagay nilang cast, parang mini, super mini infinity war. Lugi nga si CAP dun, di ko alam, paano siya mananalo dun. hahaha But due to the trailers, and some plans, I think I have a reason why I need to watch it. Seriously.. Then siyempre, sunod mo pa yun XMEN and yes, the most interesting comic book film this year, Suicide Squad..
What else? Ah.... Yun lang muna, I don't want to tell more or write for now. I'll just rest my hands for a while then..
Reflect. =)
Hmmmm I'm taking this short time to rest and move on to let's say, a new path for me. This will determine my future. I want to make sure, I don't want to go back and yes, taking my own path. Malalaman natin yan in the next weeks. I hope, there will be, progress.
Di ko alam, kung lahat eh excited sa BvS!!!! I am of course, fan ako ng Man of Steel at lalo ako naging excited kasi mukhang ok si Ben Affleck as Batman. Pag naka una ako, malamang, ireview ko agad di ba?
I am breathing freely. No rush of sleeping early for tomorrow's work. It's the first time, that I'll be alone for a career. Di pala first time, kasi way back ePLDT days, ako pala nagdecide nun then the rest pala. hehe First time pala again for a long time, to take a different career path.
Maganda ang takbo ng Alaska pero sana naman di ba mag finals sila. At manalo naman ng championship. hahaha NBA, hmmmm ano ba, paano kaya talunin yun GSW? Yun CLE ko, anak ng tinapa, parang masisilat pa sa playoffs!
What else, weird, ang init sa gabi, na dapat hindi. Wag mong sabihin ang summer eh all day hotness?! Geez. No kidding? Ano pa, yeah.. I'll open my FB and twitter most of the time. For social reasons?
Next month eh Civil War at si spidey eh mukhang badet. Parang ang bright ng costume niya. Parang rush yun pagkalagay sa kanya. hahaha Pero grabe ang nilagay nilang cast, parang mini, super mini infinity war. Lugi nga si CAP dun, di ko alam, paano siya mananalo dun. hahaha But due to the trailers, and some plans, I think I have a reason why I need to watch it. Seriously.. Then siyempre, sunod mo pa yun XMEN and yes, the most interesting comic book film this year, Suicide Squad..
What else? Ah.... Yun lang muna, I don't want to tell more or write for now. I'll just rest my hands for a while then..
Reflect. =)
What if..
(Miriam is our beloved President)
Bakit beloved? Baka siya ang iboto ko.. For now at di ko pa sure. hehe Matagal pa naman yan. Pero first choice ko siya sa mga naunang nag declare na tumakbo.. Kaso malabo naman manalo. One digit lang siya sa survey, tapos, eto may sakit pa siya.. Paano siya mananalo niyan? hehe
Anyway, malay mo may milagro. hahaha Una sa lahat, pag siya presidente, malamang laging may impeachment court sa Senado. hehe Gusto niya na prosecute o kasuhan yun mga kurakot. Malamang pag siya presidente, dahil international lawyer naman siya or Judge, aba yun issue natin sa China, sigurado na panalo natin.
Isa pa, maiinspire yun mga kabataan dahil sa ngayon, mas nagiging malapit siya sa youth. I don't know how she was able to transform pero naging effective sa image niya. Di lang yun mga hugot lines niya, kung hindi yun mga views niya sa politics at laws na dapat para sa tin lahat. Dahil sa tapang niya, malamang matatakot di lang yun mga criminal, lalo na yun tiwaling opisyal. Siyempre, ala naman ayaw mo masabon ng galit na presidente. hahaha
Isa pa na malaking matutulong niya, eh kung payag siya sa chacha eh alam niya yun mga dapat ayusin saka baguhin di ba? At siyempre susunod yun congress natin to implement. Dahil sa tapang at knowledge, talagang maexecute yun mga orders ng president na walang delay. Di kagaya ng iba na kaibigan na nga yun mga cabinet members, wala pa din nangyayari. Palpak pa din.
Kaya sana manalo siya. Sana nga, nagsama sila ni Duterte na lang para panalo. hahaha Kaso malabo.. Eto na, sana may pagasa.
Kampante ako sa bansa natin pag ang Presidente natin..
Eating death threats for breakfast.
Bakit beloved? Baka siya ang iboto ko.. For now at di ko pa sure. hehe Matagal pa naman yan. Pero first choice ko siya sa mga naunang nag declare na tumakbo.. Kaso malabo naman manalo. One digit lang siya sa survey, tapos, eto may sakit pa siya.. Paano siya mananalo niyan? hehe
Anyway, malay mo may milagro. hahaha Una sa lahat, pag siya presidente, malamang laging may impeachment court sa Senado. hehe Gusto niya na prosecute o kasuhan yun mga kurakot. Malamang pag siya presidente, dahil international lawyer naman siya or Judge, aba yun issue natin sa China, sigurado na panalo natin.
Isa pa, maiinspire yun mga kabataan dahil sa ngayon, mas nagiging malapit siya sa youth. I don't know how she was able to transform pero naging effective sa image niya. Di lang yun mga hugot lines niya, kung hindi yun mga views niya sa politics at laws na dapat para sa tin lahat. Dahil sa tapang niya, malamang matatakot di lang yun mga criminal, lalo na yun tiwaling opisyal. Siyempre, ala naman ayaw mo masabon ng galit na presidente. hahaha
Isa pa na malaking matutulong niya, eh kung payag siya sa chacha eh alam niya yun mga dapat ayusin saka baguhin di ba? At siyempre susunod yun congress natin to implement. Dahil sa tapang at knowledge, talagang maexecute yun mga orders ng president na walang delay. Di kagaya ng iba na kaibigan na nga yun mga cabinet members, wala pa din nangyayari. Palpak pa din.
Kaya sana manalo siya. Sana nga, nagsama sila ni Duterte na lang para panalo. hahaha Kaso malabo.. Eto na, sana may pagasa.
Kampante ako sa bansa natin pag ang Presidente natin..
Eating death threats for breakfast.
Legend (2015)

Months later, it was shown here but sorry, my source got first. hahaha I thought of watching it in the cinemas but hmmm, save some money first.
Gladly, I did the later part. But it doesn't mean I totally shun this movie in cinemas. I mean, you can still watch it in the cinema but I don't know if it's really worth it.
Let's go straight with the flaws. One, the film moves very fast. I mean, most good or great gangster flicks have a bit slow story development but it has great origins. Like for Scarface, who has a bit of origin, but it works. You know right away his drive to be a gangster. This one, it goes straight to the twins having a pub and running their gang. I hope if they just made it longer, they can do it 2 films or at least 2 and a half hours.
Two, despite a great cast, you can only choose like 3 characters you can like or even follow. One good example, Taron Edgerton's character. Damn, I am interested in his role but he has only small lines and not really important in the film. How about the investigator following the twins? I hope they did expand the list of characters surrounding the twins.
Third issue, for a gangster film, it has small amount of action scenes. Although those scenes were intense and so packed, it was short and few. I hope there were more, a bit more, but unfortunately, even some shocking scenes, it was short and more dialogue driven. Some time in the film, I almost got confused, especially with the british dialogue.
However, two things stand out in this film. First one, the simple plot. Although some great gangster flicks have some complex plot. This one, it only centers to the twins, how they work and how the people around them got influenced. I just feel sad to the exwife of Reggie, to her demise. Anyway, the flow of the story was good and I hope they kinda fixed it more or further. Second thing I loved was Tom Hardy's performance! I checked in the internet how the Kray Twins look like, Tom's prescence kinda got it because the twins were damn big. Not only that, how Tom acted not only for one role, but two roles at the same time. I don't what trick or CG they done it but Tom should have at least gave credit for that. One was a very psychotic, Ron Kray which I love more than Reggie. I love more Ron because Tom Hardy can really act psychotic and yeah, gay. From Bronson and Rock and Rolla right? So he just mixed those roles with a dash of 60's gangster boss. Although I felt for Reggie's character, that he won't do anything bad to his twin brother, even he's damn crazy. One scene I was kinda attached to it was their fight in the bar. After that scene, I kinda looked to Algerro and said to myself, damn.. I don't know what to do if I'm in that situation. Emily Browning's character, even with the poor writing and bad ending for her, I love her looks, very classical and what she did. It was just right for her.
Ah yes, I think, without Tom Hardy's acting performance, the film failed big time. It will be waste watching it in the cinema. But great thing, I think that's the worth of the ticket, one of his best performances.
Oh, after watching the film, better to search the news about the twins, and oh boy, I was shocked. They edit a lot to fit into one film. Kinda shocked about those twins. If some of the facts shown in the film were shocking, do a lot of research then.
Are they really a legend?
Damn those bloody twins. That's all I can say.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
broken lines (collection 63)
I take a deep breath,
when I will do a lot of work.
I take a deep breath,
when odds are against me.
I take a deep breath,
after the stress of life is done.
I take a deep breath,
while I'm feeling angry into something
I take a deep breath,
before I wash all those clothes.
I take a deep breath,
close my eyes and think of something.
I take a deep breath,
when I saw something interesting.
I take a deep breath,
if I will plunge into unknown abyss..
I take a deep breath,
when I just got up from being hurt!
I take a deep breath,
while walking thru a long winding road..
I take a deep breath,
and pray for the best..
I take a deep breath,
so I can live within beneath..
I take a deep breath,
then sigh so I can smile!
I take a deep breath,
while my eyes closed then open..
For a new breath of moment.
when I will do a lot of work.
I take a deep breath,
when odds are against me.
I take a deep breath,
after the stress of life is done.
I take a deep breath,
while I'm feeling angry into something
I take a deep breath,
before I wash all those clothes.
I take a deep breath,
close my eyes and think of something.
I take a deep breath,
when I saw something interesting.
I take a deep breath,
if I will plunge into unknown abyss..
I take a deep breath,
when I just got up from being hurt!
I take a deep breath,
while walking thru a long winding road..
I take a deep breath,
and pray for the best..
I take a deep breath,
so I can live within beneath..
I take a deep breath,
then sigh so I can smile!
I take a deep breath,
while my eyes closed then open..
For a new breath of moment.
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