Sunday, April 27, 2014

Prayer for All

To all the Priests and Nuns, servants of the church, please give them strength and courage to continue serving you oh God, even they are tired or sometimes run out of resources, continue to bless them. Please give them hope and bless them bountifully as they are serving whole heartedly for your glory. Please forgive them as well for the shortcomings and mistakes they may have been doing. 

To my LOJ community, please continue to bless us in serving to your call. As the eternal light taught us to become closer to you for your glory. To all the elders, builders, please bless them with wisdom. To all the preachers, please bless them to endure the mission of proclaiming God's love. To all the servants who are working tirelessly to serve the community and for your glory. May we grow and continue our mission to be the light of your word and share it for your glory. 

To all the people in this earth or even who doesn't know you, help us to continue to serve and share your love. Save us from our frailties and may their minds open not to convert their ways but to know better the meaning of life. To give hope to others, to teach faith and live the life of love. May your presence be felt always to all of us, in the name of Jesus who is our saviour, and redeemer of all!

(reasons why my prayer time before was an hour. Everyday except Sunday. It works some of them. =))

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