Monday, February 24, 2014

Not Showing: The Armstrong Lie

The only reason why everybody watches tour de France is one man, one cyclist who not only survived cancer but won the yellow jacket not once.. But seven times! Record shattering, history at it's best and made cycling well notable in the world of sports.

Unfortunately, all is a big lie..

How? How on earth in worldwide broadcast a cyclist can cheat in a very physcial and tight race? Made arrangements with other riders? Shortcuts in the race? Flying?! Or in a more scientifically way.. Steroids? Enhancers? Illegal PED? or simply dope?

This documentary was made by one of my favorite documentary directors, Alex Gibney.. Let me tell you, of all the documentaries he made, I've never felt him so angry in other films until this one was made. As much he is always show different sides of the story, this one is different.. He emphasis how Lance Armstrong cheated all his victories in tour de France in the most deceiving and practical way.

Well, the only thing I didn't like in this film or I hope it will improve that the topic did not focus only to Lance Armstrong, but well the whole race it self in tour de France. I mean I know it might be more boring but because almost all cyclist are caught doping then why just make a film about the race itself.

But what I like most here is how Alex really got frustrated and disappointed to Lance as he intended to make this documentary for the comeback journey of Lance on 2009 but it turns out as he follow the rider in his journey, he saw some glaring fraud, lies or deceit by interviewing former team mates, the doctor/trainer, or even the media being puzzled how the hell Lance won easily in this race.

 I love how Alex gave a brief background of the tour de France, which is interesting that before, why this race is the hardest, how the cyclist survive, and other factors such as how they bike fast without PED. I was laughing that before cyclist can only use one energy drink.. Liquor! 

The interviews done in this documentary were very heart wrenching because you can feel the angst they have to Lance. From former team mates, friends and even fans.. As much Lance claims he's doing all his best to win for cancer patients, he is just getting sympathy from the crowd, all of us to cheer for him. I love one scene which was as his team mate in front of the race on 2009, then the manager advising him to slow down to give way to Lance. What did his team mate did? He did not follow the manager and left Lance to dust! 

That team mate was caught doping as well. Landis, and other competitors in the race, were caught doping. I'm not sure with Wiggins but he's clean perhaps.

I forgot, the most loved part of this film, the editing.. I loved the editing made for this film, as you'll have that feel of you like Lance at the start, but as it goes along, mixing his first 2009 interview and the one which he admitted using illegal PED, going to his conviction at the end, the emotion was built from being liking the dude to very angry to Lance. I feel sorry for the fans of cycling, or others who built trust to him, like celebrities or Nike.. And the most affected victim of this lie, the foundation he built for cancer patients.. Livestrong? Live lie? Gotta be kidding me.. 

It's sad on how this success was built using lie after lie to another. It also shows how detailed doping was used in this sport. I mean because of this, other sports surfaced using this kind of cheat like baseball, MMA and other sports. It became a standard now for sports to have anti doping test. 

Well, now I believe that Lance Armstrong should be not only banned from any sport but also not recognized or even remove his name from history for such a shameful act. I was furious at that tweet he did still showing the 7 yellow shirts he won. Defiant he is.. What a c*nt. 

Anyway, great documentary again from Alex and I hope his anger will go down as this documentary serves right to discredit...

An empathic liar.

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