Wednesday, October 21, 2015

broken lines (collection 57)

As I finished my lunch, I'm now seeing the future..
Two persons that I might need to look after.
Two persons I'll spend my days staring..
A very optimistic role!

I realized such event, my spirit sat down and sigh..
I felt this will be difficult and insurmountable high..
I ended up staring in the middle space of these people.
A situation that has all the odds. 

I'm sort of lost as I plan or look ahead of this,
I don't know where to start or how can I live from here..
My stare became bigger and pulls me back in my chair!
A bleak one ahead.

I thought of giving up now and not looking forward.
I see that it's not worth to do it.
But on the second stare, I felt love from these two people..
A dark road with a light at the end of it. 

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