Tuesday, January 12, 2010

unplanned 9

Yes, I have some delays for posting due to schedule conflicts and some errands, especially that "clearance", such a headache for Christ sakes. hehe

While looking at these lines, I wondered why a priest wrote this very emotional poem. I was surprised that it is a priest who wrote this. Sorry, I can't really type the special characters for this one because I don't know how. hehe This is spanish yet no special letter characters. Translate it by your self, or better yet, wait for the other one in tagalog.

I saw this in a very unusual place...

Ah, the usual news will come later, I just need to get my groove back to writing after these crazy days. hehe

Al perderte yo a ti, tu y yo hemos perdido:
Yo, porque tu eras lo que yo mas amaba, y tu, porque yo era el que te amaba mas.
Pero de nosotros dos, tu pierdes mas que yo:
porque yo podre ama a otras como te amaba a ti, pero a ti nadie te amara como te amaba yo.

Very straight forward.

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