Monday, July 27, 2015

Ring! Ring!


part four

Concentrix - From one small centre, it became three branches already, I'm not that sure about that one site in PBCOM tower. I mean, they just bought IBM Daksh, the IBM's contact centre division what not. One of the big centers here at this site because well IBM's building are big and many. I'm not sure if IBM's main office are now here. Due to their recruitment ads, they have financial accounts and the most famous, Dish Network! One of the most toxic, hardest accounts ever. Even I'm now working at a decade in BPO, I only known 2 toxic accounts, Dish and JP. Dish is not situated at this site, it's in a different site.. 

Teletech - Yes, that's how big this call center company is, they have a center here! What I know, they have BOA, Bank of America. I'm not sure if they absorbed the LOB's of the dissolved inhouse BOA jobs. Whatever... What can I say bout Teletech? Just don't go there. 

LexisNexis - I have no slightest idea about this company.. However, when I went over this place to try their recruitment process, it's an inhouse law research company! They have no branches and about their process.. The first step, they have this test, time pressure!! Second process, initial interview.. I did not pass. hehe They have high standards and they are more into night shift. More into US accounts. If I got it there, I feel I'll use my legal knowledge I learned in college. They look fine, but I'm not sure... 

Convergys - Yes, the largest employer in the Philippines, has a site here. No idea about what account they have but when I went in this place one time, it looks like they handle US accounts. Well, maybe they have a simple recruitment process so give it a try. 

For now, I'll stop here, but the next one will be a lot! The remaining tenants of this site!

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